CBS's Survivor aired its season 47 finale this week on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, and saw the show crown its winner as Rachel LeMont. The episode started with the top four — Sam, Rachel, Teeny, and Sue— as they competed in another immunity challenge to secure their position in the game.
Rachel won the task and picked Sue to take with her to the final tribal council where the top three had to please their cases in front of the jury. Sam joined the two by defeating Teeny in a fire-making contest, but eventually, the jury voted in favor of Rachel and she became the Sole Survivor of the latest season.
Fans of the CBS reality show commented on Rachel's victory online and celebrated the cast member. One person wrote on X:
"CONGRATS RACHEL FOR BEING THE NEXT SOLE #SURVIVOR!! Record-tying 4 immunity wins, a known threat from the start of the merge, social, strategic, a puzzle queen, and you survived your own funeral with a secret idol. EZPZ Welcome to the pantheon of champions!" a fan commented.
"The worst thing about Rachel winning is that we're cursed with the discourse forever. The Sol advantage will be enshrined, despite it saving her from being twist screwed to begin with. Rachel perfectly encapsulated her underdog game at FTC. That's the legacy," a tweet read.
Fans of Survivor stated that they were "glad" the jury voted for the "best player":
"It's satisfying when the person who deserved to win, actually wins. Rachel definitely deserved to win. I'm glad the jury voted for the best player and were not jealous or petty like some past jurors," a person wrote.
"Happy for Rachel. Well deserved win with the best resume out of anyway. And I'm glad Sue got 3rd place because she did...absolutely nothing," a fan commented.
"I am soooo glad Rachel won #Survivor however, I cried w @teenychill when she lost fire. They should’ve won fire! Either way I’m super proud of them and I may or may not have been crushing harddddd on their beautiful brown eyes this whole season hehehe," a tweet read.
Fans of Survivor season 47 further said:
"Jeff said people will be questioning if Rachel deserved to win? I think people know she deserved the win. I guess when some people over hype her game as the best of the new era or the best ever. They are looking for a reaction because that's is a big lie," a person wrote.
"Be mad at me if you want but someeee of y’all are starting to sound like a certain politician’s supporters out here… Rachel won and y’all are still complaining because Sam got… one (1) vote? Oh okay," a fan commented.
"I tied a record"— Rachel pleads her case in front of the jury in Survivor season 47 finale
In Survivor season 47 finale, the top three made it in front of the jury where they convinced them to vote for them to win. Rachel's speech included listing her wins and she said she had the "most dominant" game out of the top three.
She said she acquired two advantages and one idol before the merge and that the season 47 castaway controlled "all of them." She said that wasn't "just" luck and that she used her "social connections" and "stealthiness."
"I won four immunities and I tied a record and I'm really really proud of it," Rachel said.
The contestant said that she was "pleased" with her game and said she went from a "super underdog" to a "big dog" and hoped to get the jury's votes.
After the top three gave their speeches, the jury cast their votes. Jeff Probst read out the votes. While Sue received zero votes, Sam received one, and with five jury votes, Rachel became the winner of the CBS show.
Fans of the reality show chimed in on the results online and celebrated Rachel's victory.
Episodes of Survivor season 47 are available to stream on CBS.