The nature documentary series The Americas, hosted by actor Tom Hanks, is set to premiere on February 23, 2025, at 7 pm ET on NBC. The series will explore the diverse wildlife across the two American continents.
The Americas will premiere with two back-to-back episodes on NBC in the U.S., and BBC in the UK. The documentary series will also be available to stream on Peacock.
The Americas will consist of 10 episodes, each focusing on different animal species and ecosystems across North America and South America. Hank's narration will be combined with a soundtrack by Oscar-winning composer, Hans Zimmer. There will also be an additional 11th episode which will show the audience a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the documentary.
NBC has touted Tom Hank's narration of The Americas in his distinct voice by comparing it with David Attenborough. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, president of Universal Television Alternative Studio, Toby Gorman revealed:
“We asked ourselves, who is the American version of [BBC wildlife documentary legend] David Attenborough? We agreed internally there was a list of one: Tom Hanks. What we didn’t know was if he would agree to do it. [But] it resonated with him.”
More details about the filming of The Americas
Reports via NBC state that the filming for The Americas took over five years and involved 180 expeditions across the two American continents.
The Americas is co-produced by BBC Studios's Natural History Unit, the same studio who is behind David Attenborough documentaries such as Planet Earth, Blue Planet, and The Green Planet.
Through this series, viewers of the documentary series will be virtually taken on an 8,700-mile journey across poles. The series will reportedly cover the frozen northern tip of the Arctic Circle as well as the frigid southern tip of Chile. The journey includes meeting new people and observing the diverse landscape of the two American continents.
The Americas will also explore wildlife behaviors from various biological backgrounds with the help of cutting-edge technology, drones, and underwater cameras.
The features explored in The Americas
The primary focus of the nature documentary is not only to show the diverse wildlife and the natural world but also to highlight the physical features of the continents.
The two American continents stretch across both poles of the world. The documentary will take viewers on a journey exploring different geographical locations such as the Atlantic Coast, Mexico, the western and northern regions of North America, the Amazon, the Gulf Coast, the Andes, the Caribbean, the West Coast and Patagonia.
In addition, the documentary reportedly features intimate courtship behaviors exhibited in newly discovered species and will include segments on deep-sea hunting. As per the official synopsis, the docuseries also features "some of nature's strangest stories", such as the frog that "defies death every day."
Fans waiting for the documentary can stream two episodes, each about an hour long, on the day of the premiere. Stay tuned for more updates on The Americas.