House of Villains season 2 came to an end with its finale episode released on December 19. The finale featured five villains including Larsa, Jessie, Wes, Safaree, and New York competing for the title and the $200,000 prize money. After everyone else was eliminated, Wes and Safaree remained and Jessie was the last one to cast the deciding vote.
Viewers were surprised to see Jessie's move as he asked Wes to request him to gain the vote that would determine his victory. He said:
"Get on your knees and beg."
This happened after the two indulged in a tiff in the previous episode, which saw Jessie calling Wes out for asking him to let him win in the Battle Royale. Jessie said that Wes took away other contestants' opportunities to play by requesting to win without competing. Wes replied that he was ready to fight against him in the finale.
Later in the finale, when Jessie got out, he got the right to cast the final vote for the remaining two, Wes and Safaree. At this moment, Wes got down on his knees and asked for mercy, thinking that Jessie would vote for him if he begged. As soon as he did so, Jessie congratulated Safaree on winning the season because the former voted for him.
Fans praised Jessie for making Wes pay for what they thought was an unjust behavior.
"Jessie the tiebreaker, and asking Wes to beg for the win. I kind of love Jessie that’s a true villain," a fan said.

"Let him beg and don't choose him JESSE!!!! KARMAAAAAAAA IS A BITCHHHHHH and if you pick him Jessie then Imma call u one hahahahaha just playin but I'd be heated," said another.
"Jessie’s descent into madness and supervillainy is the best thing that happened on this show. BEG!" added a third.
"“Get on ur knees and beg” and this is EXACTLY WHY THE KING MR. PECTACULAR SHOULD HAVE WON THIS SEASON," another wrote.
Many fans of House of Villains also found the move hilarious.
"Jessie is so damn messy for making Wes beg and still giving the win to Safaree, I’m shooketh," an X user wrote.
"Heartbreak is one thing. My ego's another. I beg you don't embarrass me, motherf*cker. (He did lol)," another user wrote.
"Pectacular just made a grown man beg on national TV AND THEN not give him a vote," commented one.
"He just made him BEG on national TV & still voted for Safaree," another wrote.
What went down on the House of Villains season 2 finale?
In the House of Villains finale, when Jessie asked Wes to kneel down to him and beg, he surprised all the players with this move. Jessie stated that he wanted Wes to beg just like he did when he wanted to take away other players' chance to compete in the previous episode. Seeing this, Safaree took to a House of Villains confessional to say that the only person he would go on his knees for was God.
Wes, trying to verify, asked Jessie if he would stick to his word and actually vote for him if he begged. Jessie replied that it was a risk he could take. After other players coaxed Wes into it, he got on his knees and asked Jessie to let him win. Here, Jessie also asked him to accept that he didn't want to compete against Kandy Muse, referring to Muse's elimination in the last episode. Wes responded:
"I didn't want to compete against anyone. I am a loser that is just totally at your mercy at this exact moment."
With this, Jessie congratulated Safaree for winning this House of Villains season. Wes too congratulated Safaree and hugged him. Joel announced that Safaree had won the $200,000 and instructed him to sit on his throne, which he did.
House of Villains season 2 can be streamed on Peacock.