Beast Games, a reality competition series, hosted and created by popular streamer and influencer Mr. Beast aired episode 3 on Thursday. The segment saw the remaining contestants pair up in groups of three for a game. The rules of the game were that the three players had to mutually decide who to eliminate. They had five hours to pull it off and the failure to do so would result in the elimination of all three players.
Players 527 and 406, brothers competing in the competition grouped up with player 225, a single mother and were able to eliminate her in the given time. However, their gameplay upset fans online and they took to X to express the same. One person wrote on X:
"What are these guys names? Surely the internet can find out. Absolutely fine to play the games, but the way these men acted is absolutely despicable - laughing at a crying single mother. Absolutely vile."
"These mfs literally bullied a single mother for hours in order to stay in the game. I know it's just a game but that's f*cked up," a fan commented.
"Not saying they should have left but to lie, conspire, and laugh while she was crying is truly just scumbag stuff," a tweet read.
Some fans of Beast Games defended the brothers:
"Everyone who is upset by beast games doesn’t watch reality tv & it shows. The whole point of these games is to f*ck people over so YOU win life changing money for you & your family," a person wrote.
"I dont know whats worse, them doing that or her not using the advantage of being in there with 2 brothers. Like she could have literally just said one of you will go out anyways so their brother can continue and try to win. She was in a win win situation but chose to lose," a fan commented.
"She low key deserved it if she’s that dumb like she was guaranteed to make it to the next round being matched up with two literal BROTHERS…" a tweet read.
Fans of Beast Games further said:
"As much as I hate it, you gotta love how they play the game I mean she didn’t even notice they were cheating. I’m sad they won tickets to the island though," a person wrote.
"The villains we needed. There's trash everywhere, of course there's some scum in 1000 contestants. Found a few," a fan commented.
"you can come with me"— Player 225 negotiates with players 527 and 406 in Beast Games episode 3
In Beast Games episode 3, the groups of three were escorted into a bunker had had small cubicles for every team. Each team had five hours to convince one of them to self-eliminate.
For players 225, 406, and 527, the situation proved difficult when the brothers decided they weren't going to leave the show. This caused several arguments between the three as player 225 pled her case. She said that one of them should eliminate but the brothers did not want to listen to her.
"I'm with two brothers, and they already told me I was gonna be the one going home. They told me this earlier. So I said, "Fine, if I'm going home, if you can't decide one of the two, then you can come with me, so," let's see how they do," Player 225 told the cameras.
The Beast Games production team fast-forwarded their conversation and showcased the female contestant telling the brothers that one of them should go home while Karim (player 406) told her that her decision would result in all three of them being eliminated.
"That means you're guaranteed to leave," Karim said.
She told him that she was "not going to break," Karim assured the Beast Games contestant that she stood up for herself. Player 225 noted that she was going to go home, they were all going to go home.
However, Players 225 and 406 played in a game of cards while player 527 refused to participate. Since player 225 had a lower card, she handcuffed herself to the wall.
Fans online were divided by the brother's behavior towards the female contestant. While some felt they bullied her, others felt they were just playing the game.
Episode 4 of Beast Games will be released next week on Thursday, January 2, 2025, on Prime Video.