Love is Blind season 8 ended with its reunion episode, which aired on March 9. The episode customarily brought the season's couples together to give a debrief on their lives, reflect on their experiences, and give updates on their current relationship status.
Sara and Ben were among the couples of Love is Blind who made it to the altar, but Sara said no when asked if she would marry him. Explaining her decision, Sara stated that she didn't like the fact that Ben wasn't deep enough when it came to political views and even feared his views differing from hers.
During the reunion episode, Sara revealed that she dated Ben for about two weeks after the show. She added that Ben, who worked remotely, had initially planned to move to Nashville with her for two weeks up to two months before they would relocate to Minnesota together. However, when his time to move to Nashville came, he backed out, sent her an apology message, and ghosted her.
Fans of Love is Blind took to X to react to Sara's revelation about Ben.
"I knew Sara didn't deserve the applause when she said no at the altar because asking him to move to Nashville with you?! Only to have him get his revenge by ghosting you. Yikes," a fan said.
"Sara dating Ben for an extra two weeks and living with him after the wedding, just shows how performative she is. You say no at the alter coz your views don’t align, but date the guy after and wanna move with him to Nashville? Okay," said another.
"Exactly. You blasted him at the alter then you want to live with him?!? She is so clueless," added a third.
"I do agree with Sara that Ben was rehearsed the entire time & was never in it for marriage. I wish they delved deeper into the other shit that came out about Ben. Production never ever gets to the juicy s**t," commented another.
Some fans of Love is Blind criticized Ben because they believed what Sara said. Meanwhile, others criticized Sara for giving Ben another chance when she knew their political views didn't align.
"I 100% believe Sara about these texts & the story about how he ghosted her & didn’t go to Nashville despite setting it up. She’s too specific with details to be lying & the women are all backing her up. Ben clearly played her," an X user wrote.
"OHHHHH SEE I KNEW IT!!! He definitely practiced these answers with past cast members to try & rehab his image. I’m glad Sara aired him out for it," another user wrote.
"Oh Sara… why would you have even given that man another chance after what you said in the finale about never going back there?" commented one.
"If Sara had a backbone, she would’ve ended things in the pods point blank period," wrote one.
Sara gives out details of her unfortunate breakup with Ben on Love is Blind season 8 reunion
During the Love is Blind reunion, host Vanessa referred to Ben's TikTok drama, where a girl Ben dated in the past came out to say that Ben ghosted and manipulated her. Vanessa then asked Sara what she had to say about it. Sara said she trusted Ben at the time, but over the past year, she realized that there was truth to the TikTok girl.
She added that she was on a travel nurse contract in Nashville for three months, so that was where she was going to be. She said Ben knew of this from Love is Blind pods, and they were very excited to move there. She stated:
"So we did live together for close to a week or two after the wedding, and we had the discussion the night before I left for Nashville, if he was still going to come with me."
She said they discussed little details, such as him not bringing his car there because she had hers there and how he would just fly. However, after she reached there, she saw that Ben had removed her from his Find My Friends app. When she texted him, he wrote her three "very scripted" apologies and ghosted her.
Ben denied these allegations and accused Sara of not replying to those apologetic messages.
Love is Blind fans can follow Ben and Sara on their official Instagram handles- @benmezzenga and @saracarton_.