Episode 2 of Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 aired on October 14 on Bravo. In the latest segment, the crew of Parsifal III made it to Ibiza, their destination for the season. The episode documented Chef Cloyce showing off his cooking and rapping talents, while the stew Danni flirted with the crew of a club she was working with.
Gary, the first mate to Captain Glenn, crashed the tender. He was sailing the smaller boat with a guest on it and that's when the tender abruptly crashed into a rock and damaged the vessel. He immediately made sure things were okay and also informed the Captain about the incident immediately.
However, fans of Below Deck Sailing Yacht took to X to criticize Gary for his carelessness. They pointed out the fact that talking to the woman riding with him got him into the crash. They also called out Gary for blaming Chief Stew Daisy for it.
"Gary blaming Daisy for having to bring swim trunks to the guests and pick up the crew… dude it’s your job to drive the tender! Remember….? The tender YOU CRASHED Prick," said one fan.

"Gary crashed the tender because he was distracted by flirting," another fan said.
"Gary trying to showboat, literally, in front of a woman and ended up crashing. His weirdness around women continuously gets him in trouble in new ways. Yet, he’s still here," a third fan added.
Some viewers called him out for blaming Chief Stew Daisy for the fiasco.
"It's a shame to see Gary blaming Daisy for his issues with the tender!" an X user wrote.
"Gary is the only one who can drive the tender, yet he’s blaming Daisy. Gary sucks. Next please," another X user wrote.
"Gary, it’s LITERALLY your job to ferry the guests and the crew in the tender boat," a commentator wrote.
Fans of Below Deck Sailing Yacht further said:
"Did Gary just flirt his way into crashing the tinder? Of course," another one wrote.
"Why is Gary mad at Daisy? This is just part of the job, yes it sucks but it’s not her fault," another fan said.
Gary crashes the tender on Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 episode 2
When Gary rode the yacht at night with a lady, they appreciated the evening and talked about how their days went onboard. Gary was talking about how he had a great time when the boat abruptly hit a rock. He told the lady that was the first time he had ever crashed a boat.
In a Below Deck Sailing Yacht confessional, Gary said he had driven in the area "hundreds of times" yet had never crashed. When he checked the damage from the outside, he saw that the vessel had a hole that was bubbling. This meant water was filling up inside the tender.
Gary then went to Captain Glenn's room to tell him about the mishap. The Captain made sure no one was injured and then asked if the boat was sinking. Gary told him it was bubbling in the dent area but the boat wasn't going to sink because it was inflatable.
Captain then explained in a confessional that if the tender had a hole, it wouldn't sink but he was worried about the engines flooding. He added that the tender was €180,000 and they'd have to buy a new one if the engines on this one submerged.
New episodes of Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 are released every Monday, at 8 pm ET, on Bravo.