The Braxtons episode 7 premiered on September 20 on WeTV, showcasing Towanda opening up about her hair loss journey. The reality show covers the lives of the Braxton family as they appear on screen for the first time after the loss of their family member, Traci Braxton. Featuring Towanda, Trina, Toni, Tamar, and Ms. E, The Braxtons gives an inside look at their personal and professional lives.
In episode 7, Towanda showed her vulnerable side and talked about the hair loss that she's had most of her life. She shared how it had affected her in childhood and how the embarrassing feeling followed her into adulthood. However, she said she was now comfortable with her situation and no longer ashamed.
"I feel good. I am not ashamed of it anymore," Towanda said.
Towanda Braxton talked about her hair loss journey in The Braxtons episode 7
Towanda Braxton and Sean Hall went on a date in episode 7 of The Braxtons. She valued her relationship with Sean and how open they are. She mentioned that they talk about "absolutely everything" and due to their close bond, people often ask her when they are getting married.
Sean brought up Towanda's upcoming "important appointment" and asked her how she felt about it. She responded and implied that she was comfortable with the situation and was not ashamed of her hair loss "anymore."
Sean was intrigued when she ended her sentence with "anymore" and asked her for details on the matter. Towanda opened up on the matter and said:
"I think this is just the thing when it comes to women in their hair. Feeling the shame that you don't have any or being teased and you know you don't have any here."
She then shared a story from her childhood. Towanda said that when she was in 7th grade, one of her classmates used to tease her about her thin hair. While it was just a playful tease on her classmate's side, it hurt her. It struck a nerve for Towanda, and she decided she would never let anyone make her feel like that again.
"When I was like in 7th grade, it was this girl and she used to talk about my hair. She was like... 'girl, your hair is so thin, you bald'. But I knew [what it was]... but she didn't know. But she struck a nerve... like I will never, ever allow anyone to make me feel this way ever again in life."
The Braxtons star further elaborated about her hair loss throughout her appearance on Braxton Family Values. She said that during season 1, she noticed her hair changing, so she started wearing a pigtail hairstyle to hide her thin spots. Towanda then added:
"But then after that, I remember even in the second season... I was relieved... I was like, ohh, I'm going to get my hair done all the time and I can wear a wig and I can wear this and I can just cover it up. And then I was able to hide behind it."
Towanda then talked about how women define themselves by their hair and thanked Sean for accepting her the way she is.
"Sometimes as a woman, we can define ourselves by a hair and it's something that we get ashamed of sometimes. So it's just amazing to have an amazing partner like Sean who continues to look past what is and what is it," Towanda said.
The Braxtons season 1 is available to watch on WeTV.