The Australian iteration of the popular reality dating show, Love Island, premiered its sixth season on October 28, 2024, on 9Now. This installment brings together a group of contestants, known as Islanders, who reside in a villa in Mallorca, all vying for love and a cash prize.
The Islanders' goal is to form meaningful connections with one another, as only coupled contestants are eligible to win the sum of $50,000. Taylor and Hannah's journey on the show came to an end in episode 27, which aired on December 11. In this episode, they failed to secure enough Superfan votes to advance to the finale.
However, in a December 12 exit interview, the pair expressed optimism about their future together. Despite their feelings for each other while in the Villa, Taylor and Hannah ultimately decided to go their separate ways after returning to their hometown of Melbourne.
They had initially intended to make their relationship work outside of the show, but things didn't quite pan out. Taylor revealed that a conversation about some newly discovered information led to their split and "there was something that didn't sit with him morally." Hannah also confirmed their split but added that they were still close.
"Taylor and I are not together. I'll just confirm that Tay and I are still really close friends, and that were as close as we were in the Villa just not romantically," Hannah shared.
Love Island Australia's Taylor believes that his downfall was the love square with Em, Krissy, and Hannah
In Love Island Australia, Taylor found himself entangled in a love square with Em, Krissy, and Hannah. He acknowledged that this situation was his downfall, confessing that his true romantic interest at the time was Em. Taylor felt that his actions were misinterpreted, and he was actually stressed by the attention from multiple women.
"That was basically my downfall, right? I think it was sort of portrayed that I was enjoying the attention and was playing along and flirting and entertaining these girls. But it actually wasn't the case in real-time," Taylor said.
After leaving the villa of Love Island Australia, Taylor shared that he continued to maintain strong friendships with most of the cast members, including Em. The two reverted to their initial friendship, without any romantic involvement. Taylor's close friends from the show include Zane, Tommy, Hannah, Em, Mimi, Xanthe, Dylan, and Niko.
When asked about her current relationship status, Hannah replied that she was happy to see what the future held. Taylor, on the other hand, revealed that he had a brief fling after their breakup but was now single again.
Hannah did not talk about the reasons behind her split with Taylor. Instead, she focused on her current mindset, stating that she didn't feel pressured to find someone new. She said that she was "happy" with letting things unfold naturally, believing that whatever was meant to be would come her way.
Hannah posted a goodbye message on December 13 through her Instagram after exiting the villa of Love Island Australia. As a self-proclaimed "lover girl," Hannah expressed her deepest gratitude to her fans, who supported her throughout the ups and downs of her journey.
"This journey has been one of the most transformative experiences of my life. Being in the villa challenged me to step outside my comfort zone, confront my fears, and truly embrace who I am," Hannah wrote in the caption.
Hannah also extended her appreciation to her friends and family, both inside and outside the villa of Love Island Australia, who brought joy, "support, and unforgettable memories." Calling it a one of the most "transformative" experiences of her life, she concluded the post saying that it was "just the beginning."
Love Island Australia finale will air on Monday, December 16 at 8:30 pm AEDT on 9Now.