The Boyfriend fame couple have launched their joint YouTube channel titled, DaiShun. They posted their first vlog on August 13 in which they visited Chikura Shiokaze Okoku, where the couple met for the first time. The duo exclaimed their joy in the video about visiting the beach ten months after filming, which the fans of the show may remember as the star couple kissed at the very spot in the finale.
"We are at the start line of our new chapter. I am so happy to be here with you," Shun stated.
At the time of writing this article, their first vlog had amassed over 1.4 million views and the channel gained over 510,000 subscribers.
For the unversed, season 1 of The Boyfriend made waves as it was Japan's first same-sex dating reality series. The show premiered on July 9, 2024, and ended its run on July 30.
The viewers were introduced to a diverse group of men who were on a quest to find love. The nine participants were - Alan, Dai, Gensei, Ikuo, Kazuto, Ryota, Shun, Taeheon, and Usak. The contestants live together in the Green Room and try to run a coffee truck together while forming a bond with their fellow contestants.
Of the nine contestants, Dai and Shun professed their love in the finale and are still going strong. Dai being one of the youngest participants in The Boyfriend pursued Shun throughout the season, but Shun declared from the start that he wasn't interested in anyone. After all the ups and downs the couple went through, they chose each other.
DaiShun: From appearing on The Boyfriend to launching their YouTube channel
The couple aptly named their YouTube channel, DaiShun, combining their names and usually post about traveling. After their first video received more than a million views, the couple posted 2 more vlogs. Both The Boyfriend participants talked about their love for traveling over and over again in these videos.
In the second video posted on their channel on August 20, the couple went to Kofu, Japan. Lovingly sharing Japanese food, culture, and travel areas with their audience worldwide, both acknowledged the overwhelming response their channel received ever since they started posting. The video, where the couple visited a valley called Shosenkyo in Yamanashi, had amassed 1.3 million views at the time of publishing this article.
Their third weekly vlog was uploaded on August 27, which garnered over 600,000 views in just one day. The couple traveled to South Korea and was welcomed by a serene view of the mountains which prompted Shin to claim that he's "not going back to Japan". The 4-night, 5-day trip came to an end as The Boyfriend couple shared their love for Korean food.
Dai and Shun's journey on The Boyfriend explored
In episode 1 of The Boyfriend, Dai expressed his interest in Shun when the entire cast gathered together. This led to Dai choosing Shun as his partner to manage the coffee truck in the next episode, even though Shun didn't reciprocate Dai's feelings. The couple got to know each other better as they spent the entire day together which prompted them to open up about intimate details like their past relationships.
Dai wasn't the only one who liked Shun as Ryoto and Taehon also expressed their interest in the latter. Shun again didn't reciprocate any of the cast mate's feelings but did open up to Ryoto about feeling something for Dai.
Problems arose between the two when Shun accidentally saw naked photos in Dai's phone which led him to think that Dai was also a player like his past boyfriends.
"He was naked. Yeah, I think he's a playboy. It was something that I didn't want to see," Shun told the cameras.
Shun proceeded to confess that he didn't wish to work with Dai in the coffee truck together. This led to Dai working with Ikou after which Shun asked the former to have a private conversation with him. Shun explained his stance after the phone incident, to which Dai showed disappointment over Shun's act of pushing him away.
The two later mended their unresolved feelings toward one another when Shun had a chat with Taehon about the incident. In episode 8, they went on a date where they both expressed their gratitude for accepting each other for who they were. The couple also shared concerns regarding their future, as unlike the show they would not be able to meet every day.
In the finale of The Boyfriend, Shun saw Dai's genuine care and effort to communicate with him, which led to him confessing his love for Dai. After kissing and embracing each other, they both said "I love you" to each other.
Watch the first season of The Boyfriend in its entirety on Netflix.