Netflix dropped Outlast Season 2 Episode 7 on September 7 and it kicked off the final 48 hours of the show. Both teams secured their boats at the start of the episode and it helped them to explore other places and catch some seafood.
A message was dropped that informed the remaining contestants that they had to finalize their team and only 48 hours were left in the game. Bravo made a trip to Delta's camp to intimidate them however, their plan backfired, and it led to their decision of kicking out Sammy from their team.
The synopsis for the Episode 7 reads:
"Sick teammates pose risks to both camps. Drew and Drake cross the river to intimidate their competition, but things don't go as planned."
Outlast Season 2 Episode 7 recap
Outlast Season 2 Episode 7 started right from where the previous episode left. Drew was against the current and far from securing a boat for his team. He thought that rather than going for the board in this difficult situation, he should move back to the shore and come back for it later. However, he pushed through the situation and used his legs to paddle his way to their boat.
Drew managed to bring the boat back to the Bravo camp, which also had shrimp traps and fishing equipment. He warmed himself in his camp to save himself from hypothermia.
The next morning, both teams brought out their boat and ventured out into new territories. Joey from team Delta took the boat and caught some shrimp for his team.
While on the other hand, Sammy and Drake from Team Bravo used the boat to explore the island in front of their camp. Their teammate Emily had visited that island in Episode 5 of Outlast Season 2 and had told them about different fruits that they could get. However, Sammy wasn't feeling good and Bravo had to go back to their camp.
Team Bravo's trip to Team Delta

Drew and Drake made a trip to visit Team Delta. They intended to prove to the opposition team that they were a force to be reckoned with and were determined to win. They wanted to get into Delta's minds and intimidate them so that they could leave the game. However, things didn't go as the Outlast season 2 cast members thought they would.
Team Bravo was greeted by all members of Team Delta. Both teams updated each other on their journey so far. Team Delta flaunted the fact of having five members in their team and told them that they had a person for each task. Bravo's trip to Delta didn't go as planned and, in a way, they were the ones who got intimidated.
Drew and Drake convince Sammy to eliminate himself
Drew and Drake talked about Sammy's terrible condition as they were rowing back to their camp. They discussed the possibility of voting him off the team if he was not able to pull his weight and they would be to split the prize money between the two. The possibility became more firm when a package was dropped for each camp.

Drew and Drake read the message, however, they hid the message from their teammate Sammy. They told him that they were worried about his health and that it would be better for him to flare out. Thinking that his fellow teammates were looking out for him and his health, Sammy flared out and exited the game.
Joey saw this flare and decided that it would help his winning chances if by Team Bravo. He rafted over to their camp to join them. However, they did not want a third person on the team, forcing Joey to return the way he came.
All episodes of Outlast Season 2 are available to stream on Netflix.