Owning Manhattan is the newest reality television series presented by Netflix that features real estate mogul, Ryan Serhant. The trailer for Owning Manhattan dropped on May 29, showcases Ryan providing an inside look at the glitzy world of New York City real estate.
The reality series will premiere on June 28 featuring Ryan and his team of agents over eight episodes. The official synopsis reads:
"The reality series will follow Serhant and his elite army of agents over eight episodes, as they face intense competition to secure the city’s most exclusive luxury listings. Other brokerages better watch their backs, because this team will stop at nothing to become the best in the world."
The trailer showcases what it takes for these real estate agents to compete in the adrenaline-filled and high-stakes universe of New York City real estate. While Ryan has already established himself as a real estate mogul, he helps guide his team to reach new heights as each real estate agent tries to find their place in the cutthroat market.
The three major takeaways from Owning Manhattan trailer
1) The series features veterans and newbies of the real estate market
The trailer of Owning Manhattan showcases the wonderful and diverse cast featured in the reality show. Other than Ryan Sehant himself, the show boasts a mix of industry veterans who have millions of sales under their names and newcomers who are trying to get a foothold in the market in the hopes of building their own brand.
The cast of the show features 13 members including Ryan Serhant, Chloe Tucker Caine, Genesis Suero, Jade Shenker, Jeffrey St. Arromand, Jessica Markowski, Jessica Taylor, Jonathan, Jordan Hurt, Jordan March, Nile Lundgren, Savannah Gowarty and Tricia Lee.
Fans will be keenly interested in some of the cast members who have already established their names in the market over the years and as the trailer suggests will take center stage in the show. Some notable cast members include:
Ryan Serhant, who is SERHANT.’s CEO, a TV personality, and has closed more than $8 billion in sales clients in record-breaking deals across the country.
Genesis Suero, part of the Lundgren team, serves as Nile Lundgren's right hand, and partner with a sales record of several million dollars.
Nile Lundgren is a real estate expert with more than $300 million in sales. Nile specializes in the high-end luxury and new development sectors and is also a professor at New York’s Baruch College.
Jeffrey St. Arromand is a three-time Emmy award-winning television producer and a partner of Tricia Lee Team with over $300 million in sales.
Tricia Lee joined the SERHANT. team after completing $200 million in sales individually, and will be joining forces with her partner, Jeffrey St. Arromand at SERHANT.
2) From the glamourous to the ugly
Ryan Serhant has teased that Owning Manhattan has been in the works for years, and has talked about it online. The trailer for the Netflix series hints at the real-world drama encapsulated within it. Along with the glitz and glamor of selling the most upscale real estate, Ryan's show will also feature interactions regarding the stressful nature of the job where everybody is trying to oust each other.
At one point in the trailer, Savannah could be seen confronted by another recruit in the company, Jonathan, to which she replies:
"Why do you feel like I need to prove to you something?
Describing the real estate business as a team sport, Ryan revealed that he and his team of agents will fight it out on Owning Manhattan and try to establish themselves where many have failed in The Big Apple.
3) Agents will go head-to-head in the show
Over the run of eight episodes, the featured real estate experts will be going head-to-head against each other as they try to sell the most luxurious listings in New York City. The agents will also compete to secure the most expensive apartment in the world, amounting to $250 million. The first one to sell it will receive $10 million.
Season 1 of Owning Manhattan will premiere exclusively on Netflix on June 28.