Perfect Match finale - Harry Jowsey reveals he wasn’t “honest” and “embarrassed” himself in season 2

Perfect Match finale
Stills from Perfect Match finale: Harry Jowsey reveas his thoughts (Image via Netflix)

Netflix aired the Perfect Match finale episode on its platform on Friday, June 21, 2024. In the finale, Harry Jowsey shared how he felt and his thoughts on how he embarrassed himself on the reality show.

By the end of the episode, when the host asked if anyone wanted to share anything, Harry raised his hand. He shared how he self-sabotaged himself and how his time in the Perfect Match villa went by. He also added that he had disappointed himself. Harry also said that he is grateful for Jessica.

Harry said that:

"Like, any time, I’m around her (Jessica), it feels like I’m at home. Um, obviously I’m disappointed in the whole situation. And I made some silly decisions. And I embarrassed myself. And, you know, wasn’t honest with someone that I really cared about."

Perfect Match finale - Harry Jowsey revealed how he self-sabotaged

Still from Perfect Match episode 10 (Image via Netflix)
Still from Perfect Match episode 10 (Image via Netflix)

Just before the winner announcement, the host, Nick Lachey, asked everyone if they had anything to share.

"Before we move on to the vote, is there anything that any of you wanna say, address, get off your chest, clear the air on? This is the opportunity."

When nobody said anything, Harry Jowsey quickly raised his hand and showed interest. Harry wanted to share his disappointment and how he felt with everyone. He started by explaining how he exited the show, which wasn’t a pleasant situation. He also said that he should have an attitude of gratitude.

He referred to Jessica as his “home” because that’s how he felt around her in the Perfect Match villa. He accepted that he also made some silly decisions in the show.

"And I made some silly decisions. And I embarrassed myself. And, you know, wasn’t honest with someone that I really cared about."

Harry meant the situation where he went outside with Melinda five days earlier and made out. There were some intimate scenes between him and Melinda that the show played in the episode.

In the clip, he confessed he did something bad and that he couldn’t even accept it on camera. He also asked the camera crew if they caught him kissing Melinda or not because he didn’t mean to do that.

Harry continued:

"The biggest takeaway, I think, as a man, is to, uh, acknowledge the fuck-up and know that, moving forward, no matter where I am in life, no matter who I’m with, that wouldn’t happen again."

He added:

"My biggest thing is that I get a little bit too playful. And I’m reading a book on self-sabotage. And I feel like that’s what I just did in this whole situation was, uh, sabotage kind of something special."

Jessica said she was heartbroken because of everything that had happened to Harry and her. However, she said that Harry was a good man, and sometimes, good people also make poor decisions.

Still from Perfect Match finale: Jessica (Image via Netflix)
Still from Perfect Match finale: Jessica (Image via Netflix)
"To be quite honest, it was really hard not to fall really hard and really deep, really fast, when everything I’ve ever wanted was kind of like dangled right in front of me. Obviously, I was heartbroken, and maybe even still am, but I think that good people can make bad decisions."

She added:

"I think Harry is a good man, and I think he wants to do better. Um, but is he the kind of man that I want to lead my life right now? No. Uh, but, I don’t regret it."

Harry also acknowledged Jessica’s statement and shared that it would make him a better man.

Fans can stream all the episodes of Perfect Match on Netflix.

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