The season 2 finale of Outlast aired on September 11, featuring the final two teams, Bravo and Delta, battling the harsh Alaskan wilderness. The episode highlighted not just physical endurance but also strategy and teamwork as the teams competed against nature and each other for the grand prize.
In episode 7, the tension escalated when a helicopter dropped boats and essential resources near both camps. Joseph from Delta and Drew from Bravo managed to retrieve the boats, setting the stage for intense competition. As the show's finale approached, both teams had to decide their final members, so Delta went to Bravo camp to intimidate them.
In responding to this, Joseph said,
"Pride is a drug, man. It's probably just as bad as any other. Knowing you're outnumbered, out-sourced, and it’s just like come on, man."
Bravo’s intimidation tactic backfires in Outlast
Team Bravo, feeling confident after securing the boat, tried to intimidate Team Delta by visiting their camp. They tried to tell them that they were a force to be reckoned with and were determined to win. Bravo's goal was to assert dominance and make Delta doubt themselves, believing they had more resources and people. However, Delta remained unfazed by Bravo's attempt to intimidate them. Additionally, Bravo faced internal issues, as team member Sammy struggled with the harsh conditions and his exhaustion became increasingly apparent.
Recognizing Sammy's struggle to adjust to the cold, Drew and Drake convinced him to self-eliminate. Instead of focusing on Delta, Bravo turned inward to manage their camp’s morale and stability.
Bravo camp's final strategy in Outlast
In episode 7 of Outlast 2, the stakes rose when a helicopter delivered a boat and additional resources for the remaining teams, Bravo and Delta. Despite struggling with the terrain and physical limitations, Drew from Bravo secured the boat. Meanwhile, Joseph successfully retrieved the boat for Delta, ensuring both teams had access to critical resources. The supplies sparked new life into the competition as survival increasingly depended on resource management and strategic positioning.
A message dropped instructing both teams to finalize their members within the next 48 hours. This triggered internal tensions, with each team considering who was best suited to continue. Bravo and Delta, already engaged in a fierce rivalry, now had to deal with the pressure of solidifying their teams.
Drew and Drake hid the message and discussed possibly voting Sammy off as they rowed back to camp. They believed that they could split the prize money in two without Sammy. Later, Drew couldn't participate in the final race due to physical burnout.
As Team Bravo's only remaining contestant, Drake played a crucial role in helping the team cross the finish line. Despite being disadvantaged, Drake, a Texan father, set a fast pace through the wilderness, allowing them to arrive first. Bravo’s Drake and Drew won Outlast and split the cash prize.
The final episodes of Outlast 2 are currently streaming on Netflix.