Selling the City premiered exclusively on Netflix on Friday, January 3, 2025. This reality TV series about real estate agent brokerage Douglas Elliman highlights the office politics, and drama between cast members as well as boss Eleonora Srugo's journey to building a team while competing with rival agencies.
Cast members in this real estate series include Abigail, Gisselle, Jade, Taylor, Jordyn Taylor, Justin, and Steve, the real estate broker at The Corcoran Group. The newly released episode 5 highlighted the major conflict between Gisselle and Jordyn as they both plan on closing a deal with a potential celebrity client they know of.
Meanwhile, Eleonora and Jade's heart-to-heart conversation resulted in an emotional moment between the two friends.
Selling the City episode 5 titled A DUMBO Dilemma was released exclusively on Netflix on Friday, January 3, 2025. The episode synopsis reads as the following:
"A turf war breaks out over a celebrity client, causing friction in the office. Eleonora has a confrontation with Jade that ends in tears."
What happened in Selling the City episode 5?
In Selling the City season 1 episode 5, Eleonora had a meeting with her team in which she showed them a property. She stated that a celebrity client might move forward with the purchase and mentioned that Gisselle and Jordyn knew that person well and had their own connections with him. Upon hearing this, other cast members were looking forward to closing this deal as well.
One of the real estate agents, Abi revealed in her confession interview, who the high-profile client is, she said:
"It's Micheal B. Jordan. We all know, it's public record. Everybody knows who it is. I don't know why we're all talking in codes."
For Gisselle, this was the perfect opportunity to "prove" her capabilities to Eleonora and the team. Jordyn on the other hand felt she had more experience than Gisselle while dealing with "celebrities" which is her "speciality." The Selling the City could sense there might be competition between her and Jordyn regarding this situation, she told the cameras:
"I'm glad to finally have a chance to prove myself to the team and Eleonora. Sometimes all it takes is a little competition. And you know what they say, diamonds are made under pressure, baby."
One of the highlights of this episode was the conversation between Eleonora and Jade. The Selling the City star talked things out with Jade about overstepping "her opinion." Jade clarified that her intentions were always right and that she and Eleonora were friends before colleagues.
She also mentioned that she had no plans of taking Taylor. Toward the end of their conversation, both the cast members got emotional, Eleonora got teary-eyed and told Jade that it was "me and you against everybody else." She said:
"So that is why, sometimes it kills me when I'm telling you that it's not me against you, it's me and you against everybody else."
The next episode 6 highlights more drama related to the potential celebrity client as Eloanra navigates building her own team and closing deals.
Viewers can stream Selling the City episodes one to eight exclusively on Netflix. Don't forget to follow the cast members on their official Instagram accounts.