Selling The City is the latest installment in the popular Selling franchise which also consists of Selling Sunset and Selling The OC. This time around, the action unfolds in the New York City where a team of elite real estate agents from Douglas Elliman, led by the formidable Eleonora Srugo, navigate the luxury housing market.
Alongside Eleonora, the lineup of agents include Jade, Taylor, Jordyn, Abigail, Gisselle, Steve, and Justin. With multimillion-dollar deals on the line, the agents of Selling The City are ready to put it all on the line in pursuit of success.
Netlflix released all the eight episodes of season 1 on January 3, 2025. In episode 3, Steve, a real estate broker at The Corcoran Group, advised Eleonora to not treat her team members as family and to be tougher on them. Justin delivered some upsetting news to Eleonora when he disclosed that Jade was mentoring Taylor behind her back.
What happened in Selling The City episode 3?
Selling The City season 1 episode 3, titled Not the City of Angels..., kicked off with Jade revealing more about The Ellies where she, Justin, and Eleonora were going to be awarded for their work in the company. The viewers were introduced to The Ellies, an annual award held by Douglas Elliman where the firm’s top-performing agents would be honored for the prior year.
Eleonora expressed her desire to make a sale of over $100 million since she had a team behind her. Later, she went to Greenwich at Steve's place where he showcased his house that he was renovating with the purpose of making a sale later on. They both opened up about their troubled past as Steve mentioned the times he didn't have a home to live in.
"This is beyond my childhood dream. I struggled growing up. I moved to the city, I had nothing. There was, like, literally times when I slept in the back of my car," said Steve.
Steve invited Eleonora and her teammates to Sutton Tower as he was listing two new properties there. The Selling The City star Eleonora even praised Taylor specifically for her work ethic. Jade called Taylor over to Mandarin Oriental Residences where she was the sales director.
Jade mentioned the details to Taylor where each sale could garner her a commission, ranging from $55,500 to $661,500. Excited by the prospect of working with Jade, Taylor revealed that she didn't intend to tell Eleonora about the situation as she might misunderstand. All of the Douglas Elliman real estate agents mingled at Steve's listing in Sutton Tower as people visited to check out the place.
Later in this episode of Selling The City, Justin took Eleonora to the side and disclosed that Taylor went to visit Jade at the Mandarin Oriental Residences over selling a property. Shocked by the news, she asked Justin to give more information regarding the matter. Justin revealed that during the lunch in episode 1 when Eleonora was not present, Jade talked badly about her.
"I made my impact on New York. Like, I had the biggest total GCI for the company last year. I was able to sell something that's monumental. That was record-setting. I have nothing to prove to anybody," stated Eleonora.
Back in the office, Eleonora summoned Taylor to talk about the matter and expressed that she didn't appreciate Taylor lying to her. Although Taylor apologized for not being transparent, Eleonora displayed her dissatisfaction in a confessional.
The first season of Selling The City is currently streaming on Netflix.