Love is Blind: Argentina premiered on November 6, 2024, with the first four episodes. Following a similar format, the new series marked another spinoff of the hit Netflix dating reality TV show, Love is Blind.
The premiere episode saw single participants meeting each other in the pods. By developing emotional intimacy, the couples would ultimately get engaged and meet face to face for the first time. After the engagement, they'd go on their honeymoon and later step into the real world to see whether they are compatible outside of the pods.
Episode 4 showcased the engaged couples heading to Tulum where they reunited with other cast members. One of the couples, Emily and Santiago, discussed how their connection got stronger after every date in the pods. Santiago shared that he had always been excited to talk to her. Emily then replied that she felt the same, however, didn't want to "say much" about her dates because of fellow contestant, Agustina.
Santiago shared that he got into a fight with Agustina, adding:
"Well, since you brought it up, I think we can both agree there was more to it than that. I mean, did you know that we had a fight on one of our dates? She [Agustina] insulted and yelled at me."
Love is Blind: Argentina season 1 episode 4 titled Sun. Sand. Sparks. was released on Netflix on November 6, 2024. The episode synopsis read:
"As the couples head to Tulum, Mexico, for a romantic getaway, paradise doesn't always prove sunny, with jealousy and doubts tagging along."
Love is Blind: Argentina star Santiago talks to Emily about his previous date with Agustina in episode 4
In Love is Blind: Argentina episode 4, Santiago shared that he felt "lucky" to be with the "love of his life" Emily in Mexico for a romantic getaway. He told Emily that he had been thinking about them meeting face-to-face and spending time together in the pods. Santiago said that he was excited and used to look forward to every date with Emily.
Upon hearing this, Emily responded that she wanted to express her excitement but couldn't in Agustina's presence. Emily shared that she "didn't say much" about her dates and then elaborated:
"Well, I had to keep it quiet after a couple of dates, even though I was excited. Do you remember Agus? I didn't know how she would react. So that's why I didn't say much about it, even though I was happy."
Santiago mentioned to Emily that he and Agustina got into a fight on one of their dates. Emily shared that she knew about their fight but wasn't aware that "things got spicy." The Love is Blind: Argentina male star replied:
"It got heated."
Later in the episode, Emily told the cameras during her confessional interview that she felt comfortable with having that conversation. She stated that it was "nice" for them to have an open and honest communication with one another. Emily was glad to know Santiago's side of the story, as she mentioned:
"It was nice that Santi and I could have a calm and honest conversation about everything that happened with Agustina. I heard one side of it, he shared his and I think that's good. I think we both needed that."
Stream Love is Blind: Argentina episodes 1 to 4 exclusively on Netflix.