Season 8 of Netflix's popular reality show Selling Sunset premiered on Friday, September 6, 2024. The latest season revolved around the personal lives of The Oppenheim Group's agents. While managing the highly competitive real estate market, they often encountered challenging situations in their private lives that took a toll on them.
Even before the show premiered, it was in the center of controversy. On August 31, 2024, Chrishell Stause attacked colleague Nicole Young for defaming Emma Hernan by accusing her of allegedly having an affair. She then faced Nicole's counter-attack, refocusing the light on Emma's private life. Since the show had not aired then, their messages were rather cryptic.
In an exclusive interview with Us Weekly, posted on YouTube on September 15, 2024, co-star Mary Bonnet shared her thoughts on their Instagram feud. Speaking of Chrishell, she said:
"Season 8 Chrishell is the Chrishell that I know, that's so sweet, so caring, and thoughtful, and forgiving and stuff, but you start coming at her or her family, kind of like how Bre is, or her friends...I mean, she's got some claws."
After the show's release, viewers discovered Nicole accused Emma of allegedly having an affair with a "married man." The other cast members criticized her for bringing it up despite calling it a "rumor." Nicole also faced Chelsea Lazkani's criticism for coming at her friend.
Selling Sunset star Mary says Chrishell would never act unreasonably
On August 31, 2024, Chrishell took to Instagram to call Nicole a "liar" for spreading rumors about her friend Emma. She claimed she would rather get sued than work with Nicole on another project in the future. She criticized the producers for enabling Nicole to "spew a disgusting lie about her bestie."
When asked to share her take on Chrishell's outburst, Mary confessed that Chrishell would never do something without a "good reason."
"She [Chrishell] normally doesn't make things up or anything like that," Mary said.
The Selling Sunset cast member showed faith in Chrishell's claims, convinced she would never act out of mere rage. She commended her friendship with Emma, complimenting how she supported her friend who was "going through it."
In Episode 4 of Selling Sunset, Nicole apologized to Chrishell for previously defaming her s*xuality on social media. Chrishell, who married singer-songwriter G Flip in 2023, accused Nicole of being a "homophobe." Admitting their confrontation was inevitable, Nicole wanted to seek her forgiveness and move on from the incident.
When asked if Nicole's apology to Chrishell was "genuine," Mary said:
"I do feel that it [the apology] was. I do feel she's not homophobic at all and I think that really shook her."
The Selling Sunset cast member added that Nicole did not want a conflict with Chrishell and commented on her s*xuality mindlessly. Nonetheless, she admitted it wedged an irreconcilable gap between the two stars.
Mary stated that despite Nicole's apology, Chrishell would stick to her decision, and "probably never film with her again."
"I don't know how heavy that would be if it's, like, where...I don't know, but I guarantee she will not have any scenes with her at all," Mary added.
She revealed Selling Sunset co-stars Emma and Chelsea would also be "on board" with Chrishell's decision and would refuse to share the same screen with Nicole. She mentioned that they would rather decline projects than do something to dishonor their friendship with Emma.
Selling Sunset Season 8 is available to stream only on Netflix.