Going Home with Tyler Cameron, the new renovation reality show features Bachelor Nation's Tyler Cameron, who previously appeared on Hannah Brown's season of The Bachelorette. The Prime show premiered on Thursday, April 18, and ahead of the season premiere, the reality star spoke to US Weekly about Hannah Brown's appearance on the show.
The reality star said he fought hard to get her on the show. Tyler had to get Brown on the show since his designer Jess was "too busy." He added that he was "freaking out" since it was his dream house to renovate and remembered that the client reached out to him after seeing him on the ABC show. Hannah Brown is an interior designer and seemed like a good fit.
During the conversation, Tyler joked about having post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and about filming another show with Hannah. He clarified that Brown worked "her butt off" and was a "complete pro" and great to work with.
He said—
"I think we had to iron some things out, but I thought we worked out honestly better than expected. I was curious to see how it was going to be, but she's such a trooper and she did such a great job."
"Better than expected": Tyler Cameron opens up about reuniting with Hannah Brown in Going Home with Tyler Cameron
The reality star and contractor first appeared in the unscripted genre of television in Bachelorette season 15. He was one of Hannah Brown's suitors but didn't get the final rose.
The former reality star recently made another splash in reality television by starring in his own show titled, Going Home with Tyler Cameron. As part of the show, the Bachelor Nation star launched his own business, Image One.
Tyler spoke to US Weekly about teaming up with Hannah Brown for Going Home with Tyler Cameron and praised her for a job well done. He got in touch with Hannah after his designer, Jessica, said she was too busy and needed a break.
He recalled his client, Karen, being a fan of the ABC show and said that she recognized him from his time on The Bachelorette.
He said—
"That's how I found Hannah. She loves Hannah. I was like, 'I bet you I can make this go really well if I get Hannah involved.' So I had to kind of do my pleading with Hannah. She came down and she was a rock star."
The reality star also spoke to TV Insider about Going Home with Tyler Cameron and said fans will see "all sides" of him on the show. He compared the new show to the ones he did in the past and said those only showed certain parts of him.
He said that the Prime Video show is "the best description" of how he was. He also spoke about Hannah Brown joining him on screen and called the experience "fun." Tyler added that there was an "energy" between them. The Going Home with Tyler Cameron star recalled filming a part of the show with Brown and said that while Hannah was hard at work, he was "sitting there smiling and laughing."
He said—
"Look at Hannah over here designing and working hard and all this stuff. And she turns over to say 'Quit laughing. What are you laughing at?' I was like, 'My bad, Hannah. There's the beast again.'"
As per Prime Video's press release, the show has been in the works for the past four years. It has "everything from heart to grit" and family, friends, and personal challenges.
Episodes of Going Home with Tyler Cameron are available to stream on Prime Video.