Love is Blind Argentina has come to a bittersweet end, with its two final episodes released on November 20. The finale, episode 10, was titled What if I Do is I Don't and documented the four couples of the season going through the final phase of the experiment.
Santiago and Emily were among the three couples who tied the knot on Love is Blind Argentina, besides Ezequiel and Julieta and José Luis and Florencia. Maria Emilia and Mauricio were the only couple who didn't walk down the aisle married. Before they went to the altar, Santiago and Emily met for their last date at a rooftop restaurant to discuss their differences.
Talking about the arguments they had in the past, Santiago said they might not be compatible when it came to expressing what they didn't like. Emily agreed. She said in a Love is Blind confessional:
"He has a short fuse and doesn't hold back. We really need to work on our relationship and prevent this from happening again, if we want to move forward together".
Santiago agreed that he had a short fuse and was working on handling his anger.
Santiago and Emily's last date on Love is Blind Argentina episode 10
Santiago and Emily got through their differences in Love is Blind Argentina to go up to the day of their marriage. In episode 9, Santiago even contemplated leaving Emily because he thought they argued too much for a couple thinking of marriage. This was after a fight that occurred when Emily joked about something Santiago didn't like, which made him react in a way that hurt the former.
They went on the last date in episode 10, hoping to resolve their differences and put things in the past. When they arrived on the date, Santiago said the importance of their meeting was very moving to him. He then told Emily he was feeling mixed emotions and came to a Love is Blind confessional to say he was feeling distanced from Emily.
He added that the hardest part of living with Emily in the past was their disagreements, which turned into arguments. He also stated that their journey together had its share of ups and downs. Confirming Emily's comments of him having a short fuse, Santiago said:
"I feel like we communicate differently. When we're arguing, sometimes I say things that are a little hurtful. When I'm upset, I can be really blunt".
Emily agreed that he had problems holding back when he was angry. She understood that if they wished to move forward as a husband and wife, they needed to work on themselves and prevent such a thing from happening again.
Santiago acknowledged her concerns and said that while he could not control what made him angry, he could certainly control how he handled the anger. He added that he wouldn't ignore this problem and would try confronting it head-on. He then asked Emily if she imagined reaching this far in the experiment. She said:
"I Imagined I could, which is why I started. I believed that I could find love in the experiment, but I never imagined something like this".
Emily said she wanted to find love but didn't know the experiment would lead her to this. The duo then went on to get into their wedding outfits alongside their near and dear ones and walked down the aisle. Santiago had tears in his eyes when he saw Emily walking toward him.
He said, "I do," and so did she. Deciding to repel their problems was the only step they needed to turn things around between them and end up marrying.
The Love is Blind Argentina reunion episode 11 will be released on Netflix on November 28.