TLC's Sister Wives showcases the daily lives of the Brown family, which family consists of the husband, Kody Brown, and the four sister wives (Robyn, Meri, Janelle, and Christine), who try to navigate the challenges that come with their polyamorous relationships.
Sister Wives is currently airing season 19 and on November 4, 2024, released episode 8. The previous episodes focused on Meri, Janelle, and Christine moving on after separating from Kody. Episode 8 saw Christine go ring shopping with her current partner, David. Janelle visited Kody in hopes of settling their property dispute but did not see eye-to-eye when it came to reconciliation.
Meri and Kody got a legal divorce but remained "spiritually wedded" until their separation in 2023. Christine ended her relationship with Kody in late 2021 and Janelle left Kody and ended their 30-year relationship in 2022.
What happened in Sister Wives season 19 episode 8?
Christine and her side of the family got together along with her new fiance, David. Her kids were surprised at how happy her mother was with her new man. Christine claimed that she was being affectionate to David so that her kids could get used to it soon.
The former sister wife recalled the time she grilled her daughter, Mykelti's boyfriend in 2016 and expressed that she understood now how tough it would have been for them to introduce their partner to the family. She revealed that out of the other Sister Wives, only Janelle knew about David and they planned to meet her later.
Christine later went ring shopping with David which delighted her. She revealed that with Kody, she did not go to buy the ring as Kody had just brought the rings home. With her new relationship, she wanted to do every ceremony possible for her wedding, including the bridal shower, which was something she missed during her time with Kody.
"I just got married and that's it. I didn't invite a lot of people. It's just what was accepted and what was done," Christine said.
Later on Sister Wives, Janelle met with Kody to talk about their property in Flagstaff. Janelle had previously expressed her desire to sell the property that she co-owned with Kody and move on with her life.
The couple was still to pay the last installment to the bank and Janelle was unsure of Kody's intention as he had been stalling the payment.
Kody intervened in the conversation by suggesting they settle their personal differences first on Sister Wives. Janelle expressed that she wasn't sure who Kody was anymore as they had been out of touch for a long time.
"I don't think we even exist in the same universe anymore. Like I think you are awesome. When we talk I still feel this little hook in me or whatever. But I've been so happy that I don't foresee any long-term thing for us," Janelle said.
Kody didn't let go of the topic and expressed that he had a lingering feeling that he and Janelle would work things out somehow. Janelle stayed firm and said that she was seeking autonomy.
Meri renewed her outer house so it could be turned into her workspace. Having high expectations from the new area, she was pleasantly shocked to see the transformation. Her memory bear was kept front and center so that it could look over her.
Meri recalled having memory bears made out of her mother's remaining clothes after her death. She got emotional and expressed that she felt closer to her mother by keeping it close.
Catch Sister Wives on Sundays at 10 pm on TLC.