Sister Wives follows the lives of the Brown family as they work through major changes in their relationships. The latest episode, aired on December 8, 2024, showed Christine preparing for her wedding, Robyn’s daughters talking about returning to church, and Meri opening up about her past with Kody.
Meri’s story focused on a conversation with her friends about her former marriage with Kody. Although their relationship has ended, Meri shared that she believed it could have been saved under different circumstances. This view sparked reactions from fans, who felt that Meri was struggling to move on from the past fully.
Fans took to X to express their opinions about Meri and Kody's marriage in Sister Wives.
"Meri’s friends are giving her the real and she’s still delusional," one fan commented.
"Everyone on here sees plural marriage for the failure that it is and then there’s meri ..," a fan tweeted.
"I can't wait for Meri to start using a dating app and see what it's like to go on a date and a man hold her hand. She's used to having nothing from men for a decade," another netized commented.
Fans of Sister Wives spoke about the team running out of content.
"It’s obvious @TLC has run out of content for this show. Maybe it’s time to put it out of its misery," a tweet read.
If Meri cackles once more imma gonna turn this off If Meri says WEIRD one more time imma gonna smash the tv right off the wall," a person wrote.
"Meri, just stop! Cody is a POS and HE DON’T WANT YOU!!" a netizen said.
"Meri is so delusional when it comes to Kody and Robyn. Maybe denial is a better word. Idk," a person wrote.
"#Sister-wives- serious question. Why is Meri so slow to understand basic concepts like You weren’t happy. Your needs weren’t being met," a fan said.
Meri’s conversation with her friends in Sister Wives
During episode 13 of Sister Wives, Meri met with two of her close friends to discuss the challenges of adjusting to life after her separation from Kody. Reflecting on her marriage, Meri expressed,
“I still believe that, with enough effort, we could have made it work.”
Her friends listened empathetically but gently challenged her perspective, encouraging her to focus on the future, rather than dwelling on what could have been. One friend asked, “but wasn’t there a point where you felt like you were the only one trying?”
Meri admitted, “Yes, but I thought if I tried hard enough, things would change.” The conversation revealed Meri’s struggle to fully let go of the hope that her marriage could have been repaired, even after acknowledging the lack of effort from Kody.
Her friends reminded her of the importance of prioritizing her happiness and moving forward. While Meri expressed gratitude for their support, the discussion underscored her ongoing internal conflict between letting go of the past and embracing a new chapter in her life.
Other highlights from the episode included Christine's wedding dress shopping trip, where she reflected on her first marriage and celebrated her upcoming nuptials with her daughters and Janelle by her side. Meanwhile, Robyn spoke with her daughters, Aurora and Breanna, about their desire to return to church, which opened up discussions about faith and family connections.
Sister Wives episodes air every Sunday at 10 pm ET on TLC.