Below Deck Mediterranean, a popular reality show about the lives of yacht crew members explores their professional and personal challenges on luxury charters. In season 9, deckhand Joe Bradley and stew Bri Muller worked together on the superyacht Mustique.
On October 25, Bradley posted some pictures on Instagram along with Bri from a Miami meet-up, including visits to an art installation, an outdoor gym, and the Villa Hotel and restaurant.
"What happened in Miami", the caption read. (Translated by Instagram)
Addressing the speculation, Bri clarified in an Instagram story, stating,
"Strictly business – for anyone who wants to know."
Below Deck Mediterranean cast's Miami meet-up details explored
Fans speculated about a possible reunion between Joe and Bri from Below Deck Mediterranean after they posted photos of their Miami meet-up, including visits to the Villa Hotel and a gym. However, Bri quickly shut down the rumors by sharing a mirror selfie on Instagram, assuring followers that their time together was "strictly business."
Later, Joe agreed and added in the comments section,
"The chances of working together are very slim, but here we areee [sic]."
When fans probed him for more information, Joe said that they were both working on the same boat at the time, reinforcing the professional boundaries between them as friends. Their easy-going interaction, however, did little to ease fans’ curiosity, as both stars were careful not to elaborate on the “business” they were attending to.
An encounter between Bri and Joe in season 9 of Below Deck Mediterranean
During Below Deck Mediterranean season 9, Joe and Bri's relationship took off. There was a lot of intrigue in the Mustique crew's dynamic when these two quickly became friends. It all came to a head when Bri and Joe were seen together in the bathroom, having a private moment while being watched.
During a Bravo after-show, Bri talked about the scene and said,
"I went to the bathroom, and then Joe happened to be the one standing outside when I opened the door. I low-key didn’t want the cameras to see us, so I was like, ‘Come, come, come,’ thinking that the cameras weren’t there, but they’re everywhere all the time."
Bri continued, saying that they had been having a private conversation. She mentioned that there were moments when they looked deeply into each other’s eyes, which led to a connection. She described the encounter as one of those moments between her and Joe in Below Deck Mediterranean.
The fact that both of them said they were "drawn in" by each other indicated their shared connection, even though they decided they were better off as friends in the end. Fans were curious about what would happen if they met again after seeing how well they got along on screen. Now that Bri and Joe are working together in the same boat, fans are anticipating the possibility of rekindled feelings.
All the previous episodes of Below Deck Mediterranean are currently streaming on Peacock.