Survivor season 47 premiered exclusively on CBS on September 18, 2024. The most awaited reality TV competition series is back with strong contestants competing for the final grand prize. In episode 1, the player who was voted out by a 5-to-1 vote was Jon Lovett. This time, there was a surprising plot twist as TK was eliminated even though he had established a strong alliance in the game.
After Jon's eviction, the remaining cast members included Andy Rueda, Anika Dhar, Rachel LaMont, Sam Phalen, Sierra Wright from the Gata Tribe, alongside, Aysha Welch, Genevieve Mushaluk, Kishan Patel, Rome Cooney, Solomon “Sol” Yi, Teeny Chirichillo from the Lavo tribe. Meanwhile, Caroline Vidmar, Gabe Ortis, Kyle Ostwald, Sue Smey, Tiyana Hallums, Terran “TK” Foster were part of the Toku Tribe.
Survivor 47 episode 2 titled Epic Boss Girl Move was released exclusively on CBS on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 8 pm ET/PT. The episode synopsis reads:
"Castaways begin to gauge how much they can trust their tribemates; tribes must wind their way to victory in the challenge to earn safety and fishing gear; a castaway risks getting caught red-handed with important information in the game."
What happened on Survivor 47 episode 2?
On Survivor 47 episode 2, the tribes participated in the immunity challenge in which the teams had to carry a bag of rice. However, there were many problems along the way as the players were required to pass through a snake path and attain the fishing supplies.
For this task, the Gata tribe was the first one to complete the challenge on time and took over the first place position. Then it was the Lavo tribe which took the smaller reward and were placed in second.
When the Toku team realized they had lost and one of their teammates was to be voted out at the tribal council, TK got upset. Especially due to the attitude of his tribe, who weren't too affected by defeat. TK was specifically annoyed at Tiyana’s reaction and wanted to stay positive during this tough time.
The Survivor contestants TK and Tiyana however, maintained their alliance despite viewers sensing a bit of tension between them. Previously in the episode, TK had established a strong alliance with Kyle and Tiyana, clarifying that he had "no bromance" with any of the team members. TK came up with Sue's name, but Sue and Caroline were confident of their connection with Gabe.
When it was time for the tribal council meeting on Survivor 47 episode 2, Sue chimed in on how their tribe was divided on the basis of gender. TK clarified once again that there was no bromance, hinting that he was loyal to the alliance he had formed. Gabe agreed with TK and mentioned that he connected with women as well.
By the end of the episode the person who was voted out was revealed by show host Jeff Probst. It was obvious to the viewers that Gabe, alongside Sue, and Caroline Vidmar would vote for TK to be eliminated from the show. However, the most surprising part was Tiyana's vote.
Stream Survivor 47 episode 2 exclusively on CBS and Paramount Plus. The upcoming episode 3 is set to be released on October 2, 2024. Fans can follow the official Instagram account of the show as well.