CBS' Survivor is one of the channel's longest-running reality shows that premiered in 2000. Titled Belly of the Beast, episode 3 of Survivor 47 aired Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 8 pm ET/PT. It followed the elimination of Terran "TK" Foster in a voteout against Sue. Tuku and Gata tribes had five members before the episode began, while all six of the Lavo team members were also there.
Following TK's elimination, 16 contestants are remaining on the show. Members of the Gata tribe include Andy Rueda, Anika Dhar, Rachel LaMont, Sam Phalen, and Sierra Wright. The Tuku tribe members are Caroline Vidmar, Gabe Ortis, Kyle Ostawald, Sue Smey, and Tiyana Hallums. Meanwhile, Aysha Welch, Genevieve Mushaluk, Kishan Patel, Rome Cooney, Solomon Yi, and Teeny Chirichillo remain from the Lavo tribe.
In the episode, a boat arrives at the three beaches and invites one player from each tribe to play a game for an advantage. Aysha rejects Teeny's efforts to stay in the majority, which could prove harmful to her chances of going forward.
Jeff Probst hosts and produces the reality show, which will give away $1 million to the last remaining survivor.
What happened on episode 3 of Survivor 47?
After the tribal council, Gabe said that he had watched “way too many people” go home with an idol in their pocket and decided to use his. Kyle attempted to oust Sue in the previous episode of Survivor 47 as the contestant felt she might take revenge.
The Gata tribe started the morning after having spent a sleepless night. Sam planned to make use of the fishing kit at the right time, so the tribe could get food while others were worried about how to improve their shelter. Andy noticed that Sam and Anika were at odds most of the time and were not getting along. He told them that this could help him get through another vote.
Lavo tribe's Rome hogged the fishing gear and was pumped up to catch some food, but his teammates did not appreciate his demeanor towards the experience. Rome expressed frustration at the other members not helping him clean the fish and proceeded to eat a big portion of fish in front of Aysha to mock her.
Andy tried to connect with Sierra on Survivor 47, as he wanted to be in the majority. Gabe also expressed his concerns regarding Kyle, as he wanted to keep the latter in the game as he had a guaranteed vote in his favor. Gabe and Kyle decided to vote out Tiyana as Sue and Caroline are "his goats" and would bring him the advantage of two votes.
However, Kyle wasn't too happy with the plan of going against Tiyana, and he told the three women about Gabe's intentions, which irked Sue. The cast member had wanted to keep "positive tribe vibes" and stay away from negative thoughts.
Later, three boats arrived at the beaches with an invitation for one member from each tribe to get on the boat. Kyle from Tuku, Anika from Gata, and Rome from Lavo were decided to be the fated three.
The players were asked to choose from three bags, with one containing an advantage and the other two with a Lose Your Vote punishment. Whoever chose Lose Your Vote would not be able to vote for two tribal councils. Kyle and Anika lost their votes and decided not to risk losing another one. Meanwhile, Rome earned a Steal a Vote that would allow him to vote twice instead of someone else.
Anika and Rome lied to their tribe members on Survivor 47 about the result to keep it a secret. Rome later told Teeny, who felt that she, Kishan Genevieve, and Rome should form an alliance. In the next challenge, the three tribes fight for immunity and other rewards like tarps and hammocks.
Rachel and Anika won the challenge for the Gata tribe, which meant Lavo would be at the tribal council. Amongst all the politics within the tribe, Rome put forward Aysha's name, which Teeny anticipated but didn't want.
Rome sat down with Sol and reassured him that he wanted to keep the latter in the game. Kishan and Teeny told Aysha to vote against Sol so that they could be in the majority.
Aysha appreciated the honesty but was set on voting against Genevieve. After the tribal council, Rome declared that he would play his idol for himself. Jeff Probst read out the votes that had Aysha's name in the majority of three. Aysha left the sets of Survivor and claimed that it "really hurts" to go home.
Episodes of Survivor 47 air on CBS every Wednesday at 8 pm ET/PT.