Episode 13 of Survivor season 47, titled Bob and Weave, aired on December 11, 2024, as part one of the two-part season finale. The episode kicked off with six players competing for the $1 million prize. By the end, only four remained after two immunity challenges and two tribal councils.
Operation Italy continued to impact the game as alliances changed, and one castaway took a risky move to gather critical information. The first immunity challenge tested players’ physical strength and mental sharpness, ending with Genevieve Mushaluk securing her first immunity win.
She also earned a food reward, choosing Sue Smey and Teeny Chirichillo to join her. However, Rachel LaMont’s strategic use of a hidden immunity idol and block-a-vote advantage turned the game on its head, sending Andy Rueda to the jury. In the second half of the episode, the remaining five players faced another immunity challenge.
Rachel emerged victorious once again, leading to a vote split at the tribal council. Genevieve Mushaluk became the second castaway eliminated, narrowing the field to four finalists heading into part two of the finale.
Operation Italy’s fallout in Survivor season 47
Operation Italy, introduced in the previous episode of Survivor, continued to shape the game as players adjusted their strategies. Andy Rueda, once a key figure in the plan, became a target after Rachel LaMont understood his role in spreading misinformation within the group.
The first immunity challenge required contestants to dive, swim, and solve a puzzle. Genevieve Mushaluk secured her first immunity win of the season, granting her temporary safety. Along with the immunity win, she earned a food reward and chose Sue Smey and Teeny Chirichillo to join her.
Mushaluk used this time to strengthen alliances and propose a strategy against Rachel LaMont. However, Rachel disrupted these plans by playing her hidden immunity idol and using her block-a-vote advantage. At the tribal council, Rachel’s move sent Rueda to the jury, resulting in the first elimination of the episode.
As this episode of Survivor progressed, the remaining players evaluated their positions. Rachel’s back-to-back immunity wins increased her visibility as a major contender. Meanwhile, Mushaluk tried to solidify her alliances but faced challenges. At the second tribal council, a split vote led to Mushaluk’s elimination, leaving four players to compete in the final stage of the game of Survivor.
The final four in season 47 of Survivor
The second immunity challenge involved balancing balls on a springing board while navigating through an obstacle course. Rachel LaMont emerged victorious, earning her third individual immunity win of the season. With Rachel safe, the remaining players had to decide between targeting Genevieve or Sam Phalen.
At the tribal council, the castaways opted for a split vote to safeguard against any unexpected advantages. In the end, Genevieve Mushaluk, a 33-year-old corporate lawyer, became the second castaway eliminated in the episode and joined the jury.
Heading into the second part of the finale, the final four contestants are Rachel LaMont, Sam Phalen, Sue Smey, and Teeny Chirichillo. Each player brings their own strategy and strengths to the game as they compete for the title of winner of season 47 of Survivor.
The two-part season finale concludes on December 18, 2024, when one of the remaining castaways will walk away with the $1 million prize and the ultimate title of "sole survivor."