The finale of Survivor season 47, titled The Last Stand, aired on December 18, 2024, marking the ending of an intense season. The final four contestants— Rachel LaMont, Sam Phalen, Sue Smey, and Teeny Chirichillo— competed for the $1 million prize and the title of 'Sole Survivor'.
The episode featured a multi-stage immunity challenge, a fire-making showdown, and a final Tribal Council determining the winner. The immunity challenge tested endurance, physical strength, and problem-solving skills, with Rachel emerging as the victor.
Her win secured her place in the final three, and the power to decide who would face off in the fire-making challenge. Rachel’s strategic decision-making and consistent gameplay throughout the season were key factors that helped her stand out. The jury’s deliberations during the Tribal Council reflected on each finalist’s journey and decisions, ultimately leading to a clear winner.
Rachel’s moves, social game, and challenge dominance earned her the jury’s support. The episode concluded with Rachel being crowned as the winner in a 7-1-0 vote for season 47 of Survivor.
A muddy immunity battle leads to the final three in Survivor 47
The finale kicked off with the final four facing an immunity challenge that combined multiple stages of physical and mental tests. Contestants had to navigate through muddy terrain, complete obstacles, and solve a puzzle to secure the final immunity necklace.
Rachel excelled in the final stage of the challenge, completing the puzzle first and earning her spot in the final three. With immunity in hand, Rachel decided whom to send into the fire-making showdown. She chose Sam and Teeny, reasoning that she did not need to prove herself further by participating in the challenge.
“Winning immunity at this stage means everything,” Rachel said after her victory.
The fire-making duel was intense, with both contestants racing to build a strong flame to burn through a rope. Sam’s fire ultimately prevailed, earning him the third spot in the final three alongside Rachel and Sue. Teeny expressed frustration at the loss, with the challenge highlighting the nature of fire-making under pressure.
“I did everything I could, but it just wasn’t enough,” Teeny said.
Final Tribal Council reveals Rachel as the season winner of Survivor
The final Tribal Council was a pivotal moment where the jury evaluated the gameplay of the three finalists. Sam highlighted his resilience.
“I found multiple ways to get to the end without winning immunity necklaces or buying the right item at the auction,” he said.
He also emphasized the multiple votes he survived, showcasing his adaptability. Rachel focused on her strategic moves and ability to balance social relationships with competitive gameplay. She recounted her use of the Shot in the Dark as a way to test the waters, and her calculated idol plays that helped secure her position.
Sue struggled to gain traction with the jury, as the stronger arguments from Rachel and Sam overshadowed her gameplay. The jury’s deliberation centered on Rachel’s consistent performance, which combined challenge wins and strategic moves. She mentioned her ability to adapt and form strong alliances set her apart.
“I didn’t come here to make flashy moves; I came here to play smart and steady,” Rachel explained to the jury.
The final vote resulted in Rachel winning with a decisive 7-1-0 majority, with Sam receiving one vote and Sue none. Rachel’s victory underscored her well-rounded approach, making her the 'Sole Survivor'.
The finale episode of Survivor season 47 can be streamed on Paramount+ and Hulu.