Beast Games is an ongoing competitive reality series on Amazon Prime that challenges contestants with physical and mental tasks as they compete for $5 million. Episode 7 titled The Elimination Train, which aired on January 23, 2025, featured the cube challenge. In this task, players faced pressure to self-eliminate within five hours.
In a self-titled podcast hosted by Jeff (Player 831) on January 1, 2025, Jeremy Grant or Player 991 reflected on the moments inside the cube. He recounted the decision-making process and his thoughts about flipping a coin to determine his fate.
“When the coin landed on tails, I felt an incredible sense of relief, tails saved me, but I also realized the weight of that decision, someone else had to leave because of it,” Player 991 shared during the conversation.
The podcast provided behind-the-scenes insights into the episode, focusing on the strategies contestants used and how trust affected their choices. Jeff, who also participated in the challenge, shared his perspective on the team dynamics and how the cube’s rules tested alliances and character.
Player 991 wanted to “ensure fairness” by flipping coin to decide the outcome in episode 3 of Beast Games
In episode 3 of Beast Games, the cube challenge required teams to make a difficult decision within five hours. The rules stated that one team member had to self-eliminate by the end of the time limit, putting significant pressure on the contestants. Player 991 explained how his team approached the challenge, saying:
“We wanted to ensure fairness, so no one felt the decision was personal or unfair.”
After discussing many options, the team agreed on a coin flip as the fairest method. Jeff (Player 831) explained their reasoning:
“We considered games or other strategies, but we didn’t want any hidden advantages. A coin flip felt like the only neutral choice.”
While the coin-flipping process was simple, he said that it was hard for everyone in the team. Player 991 reflected on the moment, saying, even though it was a "fair" decision, it was hard to accept that one of them had to leave. The bonds they had built "made it even tougher." Jeff also described the atmosphere in the cube, sharing:
“None of us celebrated after the coin flip. It wasn’t about winning or losing—it was about respecting the process and each other.”
Players reflect on the elimination process
The coin flip in episode 3 of Beast Games resolved the challenge but it led to several eliminations. Player 991 spoke about the moment, stating:
“It wasn’t just about staying in the game—it was about understanding the sacrifice being made by someone else.”
Jeff (Player 831) described how the group dealt with the departure of a teammate.
“It was quiet for a while. None of us felt like we’d won anything, even though the challenge required someone to move on,” he said.
The elimination also led the remaining team members to reflect on the importance of maintaining integrity in the competition. Player 991 explained that they don’t want to forget the "sacrifices" made by the people who left. It motivated them to keep playing with "fairness and respect."
Episode 7 saw contestants face tough elimination decisions, reducing the group from 21 to 10. Akira, the captain, chose to save a Lamborghini over three players, resulting in their elimination.
The next episode of Beast Games is set to air on January 30, 2025, on Amazon Prime Video.