The Bachelorette season 21 premiered on July 8, 2024, featuring 26-year-old Jennifer "Jenn" Tran, a physician assistant student from New Jersey. By the end of the first episode of The Bachelorette season 21, 7 contestants were eliminated.
The show began with 25 suitors trying to impress Jenn. The eliminated contestants who were sent home include Ricky Marinez, Matt Arnold, Kevin McDevitt, Dakota Nobles, Caleb Smith, Brett Harris, and Brendan Barnum.
The official synopsis of The Bachelorette season 21 reads:
"Season 21 of The Bachelorette features Jenn Tran, bringing her “Jenn-ergy” as she seeks love among 25 bachelors. Tran, the first Asian American lead in 22 years, navigates pressures and aims for authenticity in her journey."
The Bachelorette season 21: Eliminated contestants
The Bachelorette season 21 was filmed between March and May 2024, and premiered on ABC on July 8, 2024. The episodes will be available for streaming on Hulu the day after their release. In the premiere of The Bachelorette season 21, Jenn Tran chose 18 suitors of the 25 men who had tried to impress her. She eliminated Ricky, Matt, Kevin, Dakota, Caleb, Brett, and Brendan by the end of the first episode.
Season 21's Bachelorette, Jenn Tran, was a part of The Bachelor season 28, featuring Joey Graziadei. However, she was eliminated from the show in episode seven, along with another contestant, Kelsey T.
For most seasons, the show is filmed at The Bachelor Mansion before the cast is taken to other locations. However, for Jenn, it started at Hummingbird Nest Ranch in Santa Susana, CA. In the premiere, she said that it was "the perfect palace" for her "love story to begin."
While 24 of the contestants arrived in the limo, one of them drove a Corvette. Each participant tried their unique ways to impress Jenn Tran. One of them tried to rap and sing for her while another spoke in French, and a third contestant even ate hot peppers to show her that he could "handle the heat."
During her first toast in the premiere episode, Jenn told the participants that she was looking for "something serious" and a "ferocious love."
"I hope guys are here for something serious. Here for a ferocious love. That’s what I want. I’m not perfect. I don’t expect you guys to be perfect, and we’re just gonna have some fun with it," The Bachelor alum said.
The Bachelorette season 21: Jenn handing out “Roses”
Following the show's format, Jenn will be giving roses to contestants on each episode, and the ones who don't get a rose are eliminated. Meanwhile, those who do receive a rose are moved to the next challenge/round.
In March 2024, there was a list of 28 potential contestants, which was narrowed down to 25 men, and the final list of contestants was revealed on June 3, 2024.
While one of them is an aerospace engineer, another is a medical student, and a third is a startup founder. The contestants also include a creative director, an entrepreneur, a real estate broker, an army ranger veteran, and more. With the suitors coming from diverse backgrounds, fans are excited to see what The Bachelorette season 21 has in store for them.
By the end of the first episode, Jenn got emotional and said that she felt "so special and lucky," as she had never had that feeling before. She added that her entire life, she "never really felt chosen" and wasn't ever pursued that way either.
"My whole life that [I] never really felt chosen … I’ve never been pursued in that way. Even in my previous relationships, I’ve never felt like people have tried to go above and beyond for me, so the fact that so many people went above and beyond for me that night really warms my heart."
Fans can stream new episodes of The Bachelorette season 21 on Mondays at 8 pm ET on ABC.