MTV's The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras episode 15, titled Thinking Thin Era, aired on Wednesday, December 4, 2024. The season celebrates the 26-year legacy of The Challenge, bringing together contestants from four distinct eras to compete for the championship.
This week’s episode featured a unique challenge, 'Tight Quarters,' held in the historic Cu Chi Tunnels of Vietnam. Contestants navigated dark, claustrophobic underground passages, filled with bats and fire ants, before solving a slide puzzle and completing a block puzzle of host T.J. Lavin’s image.
As alliances were tested, players faced elimination pressure. Ultimately, Aviv Melmed was sent home after a heated arena showdown against Jenny West. Here’s a detailed recap of episode 15, breaking down the high-stakes competition and the events leading to Aviv’s elimination.
The Challenge 40: 'Thinking Thin Era'
The episode began with a nostalgic nod to The Challenge’s history, showing a clip from the infamous Battle of the Exes II, where Sarah betrayed Bananas. The parallels hinted at potential blindsides, though the actual events proved less dramatic. The challenge, 'Tight Quarters,' required players to crawl through the pitch-black Cu Chi Tunnels and solve puzzles under intense conditions.
Tori Deal, a standout contestant, excelled in the challenge. Entering the tunnels first, she encouraged herself with, “think skinny thoughts!” and completed the block puzzle with an impressive time. In contrast, Johnny “Bananas” Devenanzio struggled, describing his puzzle skills as his “downfall this season.” His inability to solve the block puzzle caused him to time out, leaving his alliance vulnerable.
Kyland Young, representing Era 4, emerged victorious among the men. His win ensured safety for his ally Michele Fitzgerald, allowing her to celebrate her birthday without elimination fears. However, Bananas’ failure left his allies Aviv and Jenny exposed, leading to tension within their group.
In the elimination arena, Aviv faced Jenny in a physically demanding competition. The triangular cage setup required players to secure a ten-pound ball and attempt to score points by landing it in a designated area. Despite her agility and speed, Aviv struggled against Jenny’s strength and defensive skills.
Jenny dominated the match, scoring a decisive 2-0 victory. As a result, Aviv was eliminated, marking the end of her impressive comeback after an 18-year absence from The Challenge. Reflecting on her journey, Aviv maintained a positive outlook, gracefully accepting her defeat.
Highlights from The Challenge 40 episode 15
Michele’s birthday celebration: Michele Fitzgerald enjoyed a surprise party organized by her allies, complete with decorations and playful antics. Tori impersonated Michele’s boyfriend, Devin, in a humorous moment of The Challenge 40 house.
Kyland’s rise to power: Kyland’s win solidified his position as a strong contender amongst The Challenge legends. As a result of Kyland's win, Jenny will have to face off against her fellow angel, and Michele— the only player who has attempted to defend him— will be safe.
Tensions among alliances: The dynamics within Bananas’ alliance grew strained as Jenny and Aviv vied for safety. When asked by Tori whom Bananas would save, Jenny defended their loyalty, stating, “we operate as a team.”
As The Challenge 40 progresses, alliances continue to shift, and the competition grows fiercer. With Aviv’s departure, Era 2 loses a strong competitor, while Era 4 gains momentum through Kyland’s leadership.
Catch new episodes of The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras every Wednesday on MTV at 8:00 pm ET/PT.