For season 40 of MTV's hit reality show The Challenge: Battle of the Eras, 40 contestants from different eras of the show are competing in Vietnam for a cash prize of $1 million. This season has been marked by tough physical challenges, calculated strategies, and a series of eliminations that have already sent 20 competitors home.
When the show started, early eliminations included Amanda Garcia, Leroy Garrett, Mark Long, Katie Cooley, Paulie Calafiore, Nurys Mateo, KellyAnne Judd, and Brandon Nelson. As the episodes continued, fans saw Tony Raines, Jodi Weatherton, Horacio Gutiérrez Jr., and even seasoned players like Chris "CT" Tamburello and Brad Fiorenza.
Along with Nia Moore, Darrell Taylor, Derrick Kosinski, Devin Walker-Molaghan, Ryan Kehoe, Nehemiah Clark, and Laurel Stucky, these contestants were sent home. The competitors had to show a strong mix of strength, endurance, and strategic thinking to make it through each elimination.
Elimination order in The Challenge: Battle of the Eras
Each episode of The Challenge: Battle of the Eras elimination order has been intense, sending home familiar faces from different eras. In episode 2, Leroy Garrett lost to Tony Raines after Amanda Garcia lost to Nia Moore in the 'Balls In' challenge. Mark Long left the episode after the brutal 'Pole Wrestle' with Derrick Kosinski.
Aneesa Ferreira defeated Katie Cooley, and Theo Campbell beat Paulie Calafiore in the high-energy 'Hall Brawl.' Nurys Mateo lost to Olivia Kaiser, while KellyAnne Judd lost to Cara Maria Sorbello in the 'Take Shelter' challenge, and Brandon Nelson lost to Ryan Kehoe.
During episode 3, Darrell Taylor won over Tony Raines in the 'One Step at a Time' challenge, and Averey Tressler eliminated Jodi Weatherton. In episode 4, Horacio Gutiérrez Jr. was eliminated after losing to Derrick Kosinski, sparking fan debates over fairness. Nehemiah Clark defeated challenge legend Chris 'CT' Tamburello in episode 5, one of the season's biggest surprises.
In episode 6, Cory Wharton defeated Brad Fiorenza, and in episode 7, Darrell Taylor lost to Kyland Young. Despite injuries, Cory Wharton beat Derrick Kosinski in episode 8.
In episode 9, Kyland Young eliminated Devin Walker-Molaghan, and then Ryan Kehoe lost to Johnny 'Bananas' Devenanzio in episode 10. In the next episode, Nia Moore lost to Michele Fitzgerald. In episode 12, Nehemiah Clark and Laurel Stucky were sent home.
Key moments in The Challenge: Battle of the Eras
As The Challenge: Battle of the Eras progressed, some eliminations attracted fans' attention and led to fan discussions about fairness in the season. In episode 4, Horacio Gutiérrez Jr.'s exit happened before his match against Derrick Kosinski, which caused a lot of debate among viewers.
In episode 8, Derrick Kosinski faced some obstacles. Entering the elimination round with severe injuries, including a torn ACL and meniscus, he struggled to keep up during his gladiator-themed battle against Cory Wharton. Despite Derrick’s resilience, his injuries ultimately affected his performance.
A budding connection between Nia Moore and Kyland Young caught viewers’ attention as they shared a bond that seemed to influence some gameplay dynamics. However, following her elimination, Nia clarified that their connection was strictly within the show’s context.
Fans can watch the new episodes of The Challenge season 40, which airs every Wednesday at 8 pm ET on MTV.