The Challenge season 40 introduced viewers to familiar cast members from previous installments of the show, this time competing as part of teams. The 40 players were divided into four eras or teams based on the years they debuted. In this reality TV competition series, players compete to win the grand prize of $1,000,000.
So far, fifteen episodes have been released, and the competition gets tougher than before. In the December 4, 2024 episode, one player, Aviv, was eliminated from the series. After her elimination, contestants who are still competing on the show include Rachel Robinson, Cara Maria Sorbello, Derek Chavez, Johnny “Bananas” Devenanzio, Cory Wharton, Jordan Wiseley, Tori Deal, Jenny West, Kyland Young, and Michele Fitzgerald.
The Challenge season 40 episode 15 gave viewers a glimpse into each player's game strategy and what they are willing to do to survive in the game. Whether building alliances or throwing their teammates under the bus, this game challenges each contestant's strengths and weaknesses.
The Challenge: Battle of the Eras season 40 episode 15, titled Thinking Thin Era, aired on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, from 8:00 to 9:30 PM ET/PT exclusively on MTV. The episode synopsis states:
"A win-or-go mentality infiltrates one alliance; the Challengers traverse tight quarters filled with bats and puzzles in an attempt to keep themselves safe."
Contestants who are competing in The Challenge: Battle of Eras season 40
Contestants competing from Era 1 consist of one player, Rachel Robinson. Meanwhile, Cara Maria Sorbello, Derek Chavez, and Johnny “Bananas” Devenanzio compete in the reality TV series as team members of Era 2. For Era 3, the trio includes Cory Wharton, Jordan Wiseley, and Tori Deal. Meanwhile, Jenny West, Kyland Young, and Michele Fitzgerald are part of Era 4.
During the December 4, 2024 episode of The Challenge season 40, viewers saw Rachel following her own strategy, being the only remaining contestant from Era 1. Despite already having an alliance with Eras 2 player Bananas, she planned on making an effort to get on Kyland and Jordan's good side as well.
On the other hand, The Challenge player, Cory, wanted to make a strong bond with Tori, who already had Jordan on her list. Now that Aviv has been eliminated from the reality TV competition show, viewers can expect a shift in Era 2's dynamics.
As fans already know, it was Kyland's decision to send Jenny alongside Aviv in the elimination challenge. Throughout the series, there have been some tensions between Kyland and Jenny. However, when the latter was announced as the winner of the elimination challenge, she chose Cory and Jordan from Era 3 and Derek from Era 2 as her targets.
The upcoming episode 16, titled Must Win Era, will disclose which one of the three players will head home. As per Rotten Tomatoes, the episode synopsis reads as the following:
"Burger King joins the action as Challengers face a risky plunge and a tough swim, with serious consequences if they fail."
New episodes of The Challenge: Battle of Eras season 40 air every week on Wednesday exclusively on MTV from 8:00 to 9:30 PM ET/PT. Viewers can follow the cast members on their official Instagram accounts.