MTV's The Challenge: Battle of the Eras season 40 premiered on August 14, 2024. The reality show aired its latest episode, titled Must Win Era on Wednesday, December 11, 2024. The Challenge: Battle of the Eras features 40 contestants from different generations of the show competing in Vietnam for a $1 million prize.
It follows the contestants as they go on weekly challenges, form alliances, and undergo eliminations, making each episode critical for survival. The season has seen 30 players eliminated so far as they left the competition at various stages.
Early eliminations included Amanda Garcia, Leroy Garrett, Mark Long, and Katie Cooley. As the season progressed, other strong competitors such as Chris "CT" Tamburello, Aneesa Ferreira, and Cory Wharton were also sent home.
The elimination process has tested the players’ resilience and adaptability, with each round introducing different formats and conditions. The dynamics among contestants have shifted as alliances formed and dissolved in The Challenge 40.
Elimination order in The Challenge: Battle of the Eras
Each episode of The Challenge: Battle of the Eras elimination order has brought twists, sending home familiar faces from different eras. Here’s how the eliminations unfolded so far:
- Episode 2: Amanda Garcia lost to Nia Moore in the 'Balls In' challenge. Tony Raines defeated Leroy Garrett in the same elimination round. Mark Long and Katie Cooley were eliminated in the 'Pole Wrestle' by Derrick Kosinski and Aneesa Ferreira, respectively. Paulie, Nurys, Kelly Anne, and Brandon got eliminated in the same episode.
- Episode 3: Tony Raines was eliminated by Darrell Taylor in 'One Step at a Time.' Jodi Weatherton lost to Averey Tressler in the same episode.
- Episode 4: Horacio Gutiérrez Jr. was eliminated by Derrick Kosinski in 'Pick It Up.' Aneesa Ferreira lost to Jenny West in the same elimination round.
- Episode 5: Chris "CT" Tamburello was eliminated by Nehemiah Clark in 'Getting Hammered.' Emily Schromm lost to Tina Barta in the same episode.
- Episode 6: Brad Fiorenza was sent home after losing to Cory Wharton. Jonna also got eliminated in this episode.
- Episode 7: Darrell Taylor lost to Kyland Young. Tina was sent home after losing to Michelle.
- Episode 8: Derrick Kosinski was eliminated by Cory Wharton. Averey lost to Rachel.
- Episode 9: Kyland Young defeated Devin Walker-Molaghan in 'Taking Sides.' Kaycee lost to Tori.
- Episode 10: Ryan Kehoe was eliminated by Johnny "Bananas" Devenanzio.
- Episode 11: Nia Moore lost to Michele Fitzgerald.
- Episode 12: Nehemiah Clark and Laurel Stucky were sent home in this episode.
- Episode 13: Olivia Kaiser was eliminated, losing to her friend Michele Fitzgerald in the 'Stranded Elimination' challenge.
- Episode 14: Josh Martinez was defeated by Cory Wharton in 'Coming From Behind.'
- Episode 15: Aviv Melmed was eliminated by Jenny West in 'Iron Triangle.'
- Episode 16: Cory Wharton lost to Derek Chavez in 'Closing Time.'
Some key moments in The Challenge: Battle of the Eras
In episode 5 of The Challenge, Chris "CT" Tamburello got eliminated when Nehemiah Clark went against him in the Getting Hammered challenge. Despite entering episode 8’s elimination with severe injuries, including a torn ACL, Derrick fought against Cory Wharton but was sent home.
Josh Martinez vs. Cory Wharton: In episode 14, Cory eliminated Josh in the 'Coming From Behind' challenge, showcasing his strength and determination to stay in the game. In episode 15, Aviv Melmed faced Jenny West in Iron Triangle, a challenge that tested both physical and mental strength. Jenny emerged victorious.
Episode 16 of The Challenge featured Cory’s loss to Derek Chavez in "Closing Time," marking the end of Cory’s journey this season.
Fans can watch new episodes of The Challenge: Battle of the Eras, which air every Wednesday at 8 pm ET on MTV.