Netflix's popular reality show The Circle premiered its seventh season on September 11, 2024. The streaming platform released four new episodes on September 25 (9-12) that have seen some shocking turn of events and strategies being played out, as the players try to form an alliance to win the competition and take home $100,000.
The Circle is hosted by TV personality Michelle Buteau.11 players enter the show and decide whether they want to play the game as themselves or fabricate a version of themselves that will align with their strategies. The show also introduced the fans to a new twist called the disruptor mode which could be brought up at random points as the user could earn an advantage or a disadvantage.
Until now, two players have been eliminated including Savannah Miller in episode 4 and Heather Richardson who played as Andy in episode 7. Previously, the two influencers, Gianna and Kevin were seen discussing whom to block. Kevin wanted to break up Darian and Jadejha's connection, while Gianna was against it.
What happened in The Circle season 7 episode 9?
Episode 9 picked up where it left off a week earlier as Kevin and Gianna (played by twins Nicky and Jojo) find it tough to decide whom to nominate for elimination. Kevin explained his stance on allying and becoming a "#NewPowerDuo" so that they could change the game completely. Nicky and Jojo agreed to the deal if only Kevin would take the fall for the voting which he agreed to.
The audience and cast members are made aware of the new power duo's decision just before the players are about to tuck in for a good night's sleep. Making it clear that it wasn't Gianna's decision, they revealed that the player who was blocked from The Circle was Darian.
He was later allowed to meet one person face-to-face and entered the room of Jadejha. Darian spilled some beans regarding whom to trust as both of them shared doubts regarding Gianna.
The couple soon forgot about the game and proceeded to embrace each other passionately. Before Darian left for his home, he left a message for the players throwing shade at Kevin for betraying him.
The next day, when the chat opened up for the players, Kevin tried to defend himself by stating he had a "trusted source." But the rest of the players weren't on board with the idea, despite everyone acknowledging that the "source" was Madelyn.
Madelyn later started a one-on-one chat with Garret to clear the air between them. Garret saw the opportunity to keep Madelyn in the loop. He pretended to agree and told her he would be on his side, so he could keep her in the palm of his hand.
The players of The Circle were made to play #TheCircleAMA where a player can ask another player a question anonymously. Several players asked difficult questions and targeted their foes to make them look bad. Kevin's name came up a lot with several contestants in a negative light. Looking to save face, Kevin contacted Tierra after the game and tried to partner up.
Gianna contacted Jadejha as the former had doubts if Jadejha still trusted them since they blocked Darian, Jadejha's love interest. After Gianna apologized, Jadejha stated that she understood her decision and was willing to move forward despite the circumstances since she felt to have formed "a personal connection" with Gianna.
Before the episode could end, The Circle monitors lit up to alert the players that the next morning they will have to rate each other which could be "make or break" for a lot of them.
Watch episodes 9-12 of The Circle season 7 which is currently streaming on Netflix and wait for the season finale on October 2.