The Circle season 7 premiered on September 11, 2024. Contestants create profiles on the show's social media platform, either playing as themselves or as someone else. This season introduced a new twist called the "disruptor," where players have three seconds to decide whether to take on the role, which can either give them an advantage or a disadvantage.
The cast for season 7 of The Circle includes Savannah, Heather, Kevin, Garret, Darian, Deb, Jadejha, Antonio, Madelyn, and Nicky & Jojo.
Where to follow The Circle season 7 cast on Instagram?
Savannah (@savannahcmiller)
Savannah is a 22-year-old from Texarkana, Texas. She is playing as herself and has only one plan: to overshare. In The Circle season 7 episode 1, she said that she would overshare about herself so the people wouldn't doubt her for catfishing. Savannah entered the show with her dog and formed an instant connection with another castmate Kevin.
Heather (@heather.richh)
Heather is a 26-year-old from Nashville, Tennessee. She is a "VIP tour manager for rock and metal bands" and knows all about them. Therefore, she chose to enter as a studly bass player, Andy. She said in episode one that she knows Andy and he was her former fling, however, he friend-zoned her.
Kevin (@kevhfernandez)
Kevin is a 23-year-old from San Diego. He is a wine and alcohol sales rep in real life. While he is playing as himself, instead of using his real-life profession, he chooses to present himself as a lifeguard. He said that he would use his skill of convincing people to win over their trust and win the game as well.
Garret (@garratchet)
Garret is a 30-year-old from Los Angeles. He has a Bachelor's degree in Exercise Science and currently is a fitness trainer at Barry's UAE. As described in his The Circle Cast bio, he is a proud gay man who has no appeal for catfishing anyone. He entered the show as himself in episode 2 of The Circle season 7 and was invited to the VIP party.
Darian (@dee_holt)
Darian is a 29-year-old from Houston. He is a middle school teacher and handles classroom conflicts on a daily basis. In episode 1, he said that he would use his skills as a teacher to find out who is telling the truth and who is not. He entered the game as himself and with the confidence to win over everyone with his Southern charm.
Deb (@debbielevy2)
Deb is a 54-year-old from Pittsburgh. She took the catfishing route and chose to enter as a 26-year-old girl named Rachel. She said in the premiere episode that she works in higher education, spends time around college students, and knows how their minds work. She thinks that this will help her in the game with other youngsters.
Jadejha (@itsjadejha)
Jadejha is a 24-year-old from Houston. She said in her introduction episode that her job is to protect virtual systems from potential threats. This skill will come in the game where she has to protect herself from potential catfish. She entered the game as herself and formed a bond with the middle school teacher Darian.
Antonio (@tonnedesai)
Antonio is a 31-year-old from Nashville, Tennessee. His cast bio describes that he would be "messy" and would do anything to win The Circle season 7 prize money. He entered the game as his best friend Tierra who is a a beauty influencer.
Madelyn (@mmjuicyy)
Madelyn is a 25-year-old from Franklin, Georgia. In her introduction, she said that she is an education staffer by day and an OF model by night. She entered the game as herself and formed a connection with Andy (Heather's profile).
Nicky and Jojo (@scarlottatwins)
Nicky and Jojo are 24-year-old Scarlotta twins from Staten Island, New York. They entered the game as Nicky’s girlfriend, Gianna. They managed to form connections with everyone However that wasn't enough as they ranked at the bottom of the first votes.
The first four episodes of The Circle season 7 are available to watch on Netflix.