Netflix's reality competition series, The Circle, returns for its seventh season this fall. The show, hosted by comedian Michelle Buteau, revolves around contestants competing in a game of social media strategy and deception, where they can choose to present themselves as either their true selves or a fabricated persona in The Circle.
The ultimate goal is to become the top influencer and win a substantial cash prize. This season of The Circle promises to be packed with fresh twists and intense competition. One of the contestants in season 7, Kevin Fernandez.
Also known as KFern, is a wine and alcohol sales representative from San Diego, California at the age of 23. Kevin's Instagram handling name is @kevhfernandez. With his background in wine and alcohol sales, Kevin’s lively personality and social skills have made him a charismatic force, both in his career and now on The Circle.
Everything we know so far about Kevin of The Circle season 7
Kevin’s background and career
As per his LinkedIn profile, Kevin Fernandez is currently employed as a District Sales Manager at Republic National Distributing Company (RNDC) in the Gallo Division. His role involves overseeing sales operations and contributing to marketing strategies. Kevin’s career path reflects his ambition and dedication to the marketing and sales sectors.
Kevin’s professional journey began after he earned a degree in Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services from California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo in 2022. During his time at Cal Poly, Kevin was actively involved in various aspects of business and marketing, laying a strong foundation for his current role.
Before his position at RNDC, Kevin gained valuable experience working at Senior Helpers and later joined Gallo Sales Company as a sales representative. He also worked as a brand ambassador and content creator for CELIUS Holdings, Inc.
Athletic achievements and track career
Kevin’s background extends beyond the corporate world into the realm of athletics. As a former Division 1 track and field athlete at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Kevin achieved notable success in various events. He competed in the decathlon, where he earned a personal best score of 5,366 points and finished 12th in the Adams-Klein Combined Events decathlon.
Throughout his collegiate career, Kevin set personal records in the triple jump, long jump, and pole vault. His achievements include a personal best of 45-9 in the triple jump at the Fresno State Invitational and a new personal best in the 100 meters at the Wildflower Invitational with a time of 11.90 seconds.
Kevin’s athletic journey began in high school at Cathedral Catholic High School, where he excelled in track and field. He set several personal records and earned MVP awards, showcasing his talent and dedication to the sport.
Social media presence
Kevin is active on social media, particularly on Instagram, where he goes by the handle @kevhfernandez. On his Instagram account, Kevin shares glimpses of his life, including his career achievements, athletic pursuits, and personal adventures. His profile reflects his “life of the party” persona, with photos of him attending events, spending time with friends, and embracing life with enthusiasm.
Kevin’s Instagram also highlights his professional success. He often shares updates about his work in sales and marketing, giving followers an insight into his career growth and ambitions.
Catch Kevin and the rest of the cast in The Circle season 7, starting September 11, 2024, on Netflix, with new episodes dropping every Wednesday. Don’t miss out on the action and find out if Kevin’s strategy will take him to the top!