The Great British Bake Off which premiered on September 24, is a well-known baking competition that features amateur bakers from all across the United Kingdom. Each week, competitors are required to produce a range of baked goods, from trademark dishes to elaborate showstoppers, all of which are evaluated by famous chefs and bakers.
Even though The Great British Bake Off 2024 is a competitive show, viewers have been fascinated by its touching moments and the friendship between competitors. However, several bakers have left the tent as the season goes on, each contributing their distinct style to the program, including Jeff, Hazel, John, Mike, Andy, and Nelly.
Who has left the tent so far in The Great British Bake Off 2024?
Jeff and Hazel
In the opening week of The Great British Bake Off 2024 season, no bakers were eliminated due to Jeff feeling unwell. However, the first official eliminations occurred on October 1, episode 2, when Jeff and Hazel left the competition.
Jeff, who struggled with illness throughout the episode, opted to leave during the Technical challenge. He expressed gratitude for the experience, stating,
"I have really enjoyed it... it was wonderful, so thank you very much."
Hazel faced elimination shortly after, with Alison Hammond delivering the news. Reflecting on her time in the tent, Hazel said:
"All my bakes went wrong. Maybe I won't make biscuit puppet theatres anymore!"
John, who had been named the Star Baker in week 1 became the third baker to leave after competing in Bread Week, episode 3 on October 8. Noel broke the news to him following Dylan's recognition as Star Baker for the week. John took his departure in stride, stating:
"It was expected, it was just a bad week this week."
He noted that a single failure may result in elimination, acknowledging the high caliber of talent among his fellow bakers. Despite his departure, John was proud to be the Star Baker of the season. He talked about his experience with the difficulties, especially with baking bagels, something he had mastered before.
Episode 4 of The Great British Bake Off which aired on October 15 saw Mike become the fourth baker to leave the tent after a disappointing Caramel Week. His departure was prompted by the judge's decision, which was based on the quality of his bakes. Mike acknowledged the caliber of his competitors, stating:
"I feel the quality of what everyone else is doing is just breathtaking."
He was sad to be leaving, especially because of the bond he had formed with the other competitors. During his final remarks, Mike recalled a moment when his mother told him not to cry.
Andy became the fifth baker to leave the competition in episode 5 of The Great British Bake Off after a challenging Pastry Week which aired on October 22. Alison delivered the news, and Andy received it with grace, reflecting on his experience. Indicating his appreciation for the overall journey despite the outcome, he noted:
"It’s sad, but I had such a fantastic time,"
Prue also expressed her disappointment in Andy's departure, stating:
"It's so sad to see Andy go. I adore the guy, but he just didn't have a good week."
After a difficult week, Nelly was the last baker to exit the tent in the most recent episode of The Great British Bake Off. Nelly kept her head high and said she was optimistic about her departure when Noel broke the news to her. She noted:
"It’s not commiseration, it is a positive... I never ever thought I would get to round 6!"
Nelly's final remarks, which stressed the value of having fun during the process rather than concentrating only on winning, struck a chord with her fellow competitors. She shared:
"In each of your heart is a piece of Nelly and you are never going to forget me. Cake – we can bake!"
Don't miss The Great British Bake Off 2024's most recent episodes! Watch the adventures of the bakers, take in breathtaking showstoppers, and choose who will win on Channel 4 every Tuesday at 8 p.m.