The Masked Singer season 12 premiered on September 25, showcasing a brand-new cast of celebrities in vibrant costumes. Fifteen masked singers are competing for the title, and this season has included a new twist: celebrity "Masked Ambassadors."
These former contestants (Masked Ambassadors) offer the first and biggest clue about the identity of each performer, adding another layer of mystery to the guessing game.
The panelists—Ken Jeong, Robin Thicke, Jenny McCarthy-Wahlberg, and Rita Ora—returned, with host Nick Cannon teasing the audience about the new surprises.
Two unmaskings have already occurred in the first two episodes of The Masked Singer: Leaf Sheep in the first episode and Showbird in the second.
Unmasked performers of The Masked Singer season 12?
NFL Hall of Famer John Elway, who played Leaf Sheep in season 12, was the first celebrity whose identity was revealed. He sang I Like It, I Love It by Tim McGraw, before being eliminated in the first episode.
The panelists offered their best guesses, with Robin Thicke guessing Troy Aikman, Ora picking Billy Bob Thornton, Jeong selecting John Elway, and McCarthy-Wahlberg opting for Tom Brady.
It was Jeong who was right, as Leaf Sheep was unmasked to reveal John Elway. "Ken was right!" Cannon exclaimed. The retired NFL star, Elway said:
“I’m not sure. I was definitely not in my comfort zone doing this. But you know, I'm in retirement now. I had the opportunity and took advantage of it.”
In episode two, Showbird was the next to be eliminated after performing Let’s Hear It for the Boy by Deniece Williams. Underneath the bright feathers of the Showbird was actress Yvette Nicole Brown.
She is best known for her role in Community and had a close connection to the judging panel, especially Ken Jeong, her former co-star on the show.
Brown’s Masked Ambassador was Joel McHale, another Community alum. She described the experience of being on The Masked Singer as both fun and meaningful, saying,
“Music is very important to me, and it was my first love."
Brown, who was once signed to Motown, shared that she had a great time despite feeling emotional due to personal matters, including concerns about her father’s health during the filming.
"Some of it felt heavy because I’m singing, but I’m thinking, ‘is daddy OK,’" she told Variety on October 2, 2024. "But by the time I was revealed, I was able to kind of let that all out."
Who is left in The Masked Singer season 12?
With two unmaskings already, the competition continues with the remaining masked performers. Those still in the running include Buffalo, Strawberry Shortcake, Woodpecker, Bluebell, Macaron, Wasp, Ice King, Royal Knight, Dust Bunny, Goo, Ship and Chess Piece.
Each episode will see another celebrity go home, but the contestants will try to stay in the game and avoid being unmasked. Every episode in this season has a different theme, such as Miley Cyrus Night, Barbie Night, or Footloose Night, where fans may anticipate celebrity cameos like Kevin Bacon.
Fans of The Masked Singer may anticipate more shocking celebrity revelations and unmaskings as season 12 progresses. Nick Cannon has called this season of The Masked Singer “our biggest season yet.”