On December 17, 2024, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills aired season 14, episode 5, titled High Horses and Low Blows. The episode focused on ongoing tensions among the cast, particularly between Sutton Stracke and Dorit Kemsley. The conversation arted during Kyle Richards’ Denim and Diamonds party.
The episode began with the housewives gathering at Kyle’s event, an evening intended for camaraderie was quickly interrupted by Sutton and Dorit’s feud. Sutton confronted Dorit about not defending her during a past group conflict, accusing her of breaking their “sisterhood and honesty” pact. Dorit disagreed, saying Sutton’s expectations were unfair and strained their relationship.
Meanwhile, Erika Jayne opened up in a therapy session with Dr. Jenn, reflecting on her role in previous conflicts. She discussed her "defensive" tendencies and the challenges of navigating group dynamics while aiming to mend fractured relationships. Kyle Richards and other cast members observed the changing dynamics between Sutton and Dorit in this episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
Sutton Stracke and Dorit Kemsley's heated exchange in The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
The episode began with a confrontation at Kyle Richards' Denim and Diamonds party. Sutton initiated the discussion by revisiting previous disputes and expressing frustration over what she described as a lack of support and understanding from Dorit. Sutton called it a lack of loyalty. Dorit responded:
“I’ve supported you when it mattered, but I can’t always fight your battles.”
Sutton remarked:
"I’ve always valued honesty, and I don’t feel that’s been mutual." Dorit countered, questioning Sutton’s approach to “sisterhood and honesty,” and stated, "It’s hard to embrace that when your actions contradict your words."
Newcomer Bozoma Saint John stepped in, highlighting Sutton’s habit of “weaponizing sensitive topics” during conflicts. This intervention escalated the fight. Sutton defended her stance, explaining:
“I’m not afraid to address issues head-on, even if it’s uncomfortable.” Dorit, however, commented, “Your directness often feels more like an attack than a conversation.”
Throughout this chat, other cast members observed in silence, with Kyle Richards later admitting in a confessional:
"I see where Sutton’s coming from, but I’m not going to insert myself right now."
As the party concluded, the issues in Sutton and Dorit's relationship remained unresolved.
Erika Jayne reflects on past conflicts during a therapy session in The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
In this episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Erika Jayne participated in a therapy session with Dr. Jenn, where she reflected on her approach to handling conflicts within the group. Erika acknowledged her past tendency to respond defensively, explaining:
"When I feel judged, my instinct is to retaliate."
She admitted that her protective reactions had, at times, created distance between her and her castmates She aknowledged that it may not be the best way to handle things, but that was how she "coped" with the situation.
During the session, Erika specifically addressed her dynamic with Sutton Stracke, which was a recurring source of disagreements. She stated that they were "all guilty of making things worse,” emphasizing that conflict within the group was a collective issue. Erika expressed her desire to rebuild connections, saying:
“I want to approach things with empathy and openness moving forward.”
While Erika expressed a desire to handle conflicts differently, she acknowledged the challenges involved, stating:
“Change doesn’t happen overnight, but I’m trying.”
As season 14 of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills progresses, her interactions with the group will reveal whether these reflections translate into a dynamic shift.
New episodes of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills airs every Tuesday on Bravo at 8 pm ET.