The second season of The Real Housewives of Dubai premiered on June 2, 2024. It showcased some fun interactions between the cast members, especially in the premiere episode when the ladies were exclusively invited to the VVIP section at a Beyoncé concert. Fans of the reality show also saw several heated moments, including one where Lesa Milan and Chanel Ayan ended their friendship in the finale.
On September 4, 2024, Bravo TV dropped the trailer for RHOD season 2 reunion part 1. Hosted by Andy Cohen, cast members Chanel Ayan, Caroline Brooks, Sara Al Madani, Lesa Milan, Caroline Stanbury, and newcomer Taleen Marie gathered to discuss their dynamics on the show. The episode was filmed in New York.
The Real Housewives of Dubai season 2 reunion is slated to release on September 10 at 9 pm ET/PT.
3 major takeaways from The Real Housewives of Dubai season 2 reunion trailer
1) Lesa Milan blames Caroline Stanbury for creating conflict with Ayan
In the trailer, Lesa blamed Stanbury for being the reason for the conflict between her and Ayan. She exclaimed:
"My issues with her stem from my issues with you."
Stanbury replied:
"You never liked me."
Things turned sour between best friends, Lesa and Ayan, in the finale of The Real Housewives of Dubai when Stanbury and Taleen told Ayan that she acted “different” whenever Lisa was nearby. Ayan later explained in a confessional that Lesa didn't want to talk about it since she would look like a bad friend. This didn't stop Ayan from bringing up the topic again at the 'Goodbye Dubai' party.
Lesa confronted Ayan and accused her of making it look as if Stanbury was talking poorly about her. Lesa revealed that Ayan believed Stanbury was “bragging” about her houses and other luxury purchases. But when Lesa confronted Stanbury about the same, the latter denied ever bringing up the topic.
She claimed to believe Stanbury more than Ayan, thinking that Ayan was lying which hurt her emotionally. This led to a screaming confrontation between the two former friends. Both the ladies ended up in tears and didn't wish to see each other again.
2) Stanbury talks about her alleged sugar daddy
Caroline Stanbury confronted Caroline Brooks for alleging that her friend Michael Davis provided financial support for her lifestyle. Stanbury, who is married to Sergio Carrallo, posed the question in the trailer:
"I have someone that apparently pays my bills? Nobody pays my bills!"
Previously, Brooks appeared on the July 18 episode of Page Six’s Virtual Reali-Tea podcast and alleged that Stanbury’s friend Michael Davis was her “sugar daddy” who paid the bills for her. The Real Housewives of Dubai star claimed that she ran into Michael Davis when she was out and about in the city. She revealed that he was “drunk” and told her:
“He was like, ‘I pay all the bills in that house. I pay for everything.'”
In the podcast, she also shared that Michael talked about Stanbury's husband, Sergio, and claimed that the latter needed "to step up and take care of her [Stanbury]." For the unversed, Michael is the CEO of NMC Healthcare, the largest private provider of healthcare in the Middle East.
3) Sara shares a behind-the-scenes secret about Brooks' love life
The cast of The Real Housewives of Dubai went on a Bali trip in episode 8 amidst all the conflicts that happened during season 2. Fans saw the cast resolving some of their conflicts but also having fun in Indonesia. In the reunion trailer, Sara was talking about an unseen incident, where Brooks referred to a suitor of hers as a popular animated character called Shrek.
"In Bali, you were talking about Shrek saying this is your sugar daddy," Sara quipped.
This chat prompted the host Andy Cohen to ask who were they referring to. Brooks replied that they called the person Shrek because "he was so ugly".
Watch The Real Housewives of Dubai season 2 reunion part 1 on September 10 at 9 pm ET/PT exclusively on Bravo.