The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City recently premiered its fifth season and the second episode aired on September 25, 2024 on Bravo. It focused on the lives of housewives Lisa Barlow, Heather Gay, Mary Cosby, Meredith Marks, Whitney Rose, Angie Katsanevas, Bronwyn Newport, Meili Workman, and Britani Bateman.
Last week's premiere saw new alliances as Angie and Mary united. Meanwhile, Lisa was not happy with Whitney due to her remarks on a podcast and didn't like the fact that Angie wasn't taking her side. Meredith was also upset with Whitney over allegedly stealing her bath bombs idea. She sought an apology at Lisa's Besos party based on the Valentine's Day theme.
This week on The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, the ladies tried to forget about the drama when Heather arranged an outdoor excursion to clear things out. Things went sideways quickly as Mary and newcomer, Britani, bickered about their failure to hold relationships, while Meredith decided to recommit to Judaism.
The Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City season 5 episode 2: What events unfolded in the episode?
Episode 2 titled Walking A Tightrope of The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City saw Lisa and Bronwyn having a conversation after last week's disastrous party. Bronwyn also mentioned Britani about coming on strong to her and Mary during the party. Angie called in the middle of the conversation and asked Lisa to have a chat with her privately.
Angie revealed to her husband that she was upset for not taking Whitney's side and wanted to confront Lisa about it, while Mary was seen bickering about last night to her "sheltered" son. Bronwyn and Lisa picked up Heather and went through a drive-thru to talk about the drama between Whitney and Angie.
Heather later stated in her confessional that she didn't like that Bronwyn had a strong opinion about Whitney despite not knowing her well. She also wanted to stay away from such "negative energy" as it had "burned her in the past" but stayed out of the conversation in the car.
In the next sequence of The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, Meredith and her husband, Seth, went to a cooking class because he was moving back to Ohio for work, and she wanted him to cook for himself. The trio made a Middle-Eastern cuisine called shakshuka and enjoyed the spoils later on. The dish reminded Meredith of the anti-Semitism in the world and decided to throw a Bat Mitzvah which made the couple emotional.
Later in The Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City episode, Lisa and Angie met up for lunch where the latter expressed that she talked to Whitney and clarified that Lisa was owed an apology. Despite taking Lisa's side on the matter, she also stated that sometimes Lisa could be hard to deal with during conflicts due to her outbursts. They both parted ways without a resolution but decided to talk later about the issue.
"If everybody wants to think I'm a f*cking villain and a b*tch and self-centered, I don't even care anymore. I'm gonna go, but I love you and hopefully, we can continue the conversation," Lisa stated.
Bronwyn later gave a house tour and revealed that she met her husband, Todd, ten years ago who became rich by being the CEO of PalmPilot. She later met Angie at her salon and talked about the conflict brewing between Lisa and Angie, which she wished they could move past and be civil again.
Elsewhere in the episode, Whitney and Heather arrived at a crystal store in hopes of healing their traumas. Talking about last week's conflict on The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, Heather said in a confessional that she hoped Whitney would not push away people. Whitney mentioned that she wanted to go to Trixie Mattel’s new bar in Milwaukee with Angie, Heather, and Bronwyn as she didn't have any problems with them, which irked Heather.
All the housewives of The Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City gathered for an outdoor activity, arranged by Heather. She wanted all the girls to be closer together and forget about the drama. Afterward, all the ladies sat down to have tacos, Britani made a toast to herself for making it "official" with her boyfriend, Jared. However, the rest of the ladies didn't agree with since Jared mentioned Britani as his "best friend".
Britani and Mary got into an argument after Mary told her that she was not interested in Britani's life. She further mentioned that Britani was rude to her and others at the Besos party. Britani replied that she was kind to others but Mary argued otherwise, as the former wasn't on good terms with her family.
"If you’re so kind why can’t you make mends with your children," Mary quipped.
Bronwyn tried to tell Britani to not mention personal details any further. This prompted Heather to bring up the earlier incident when Bronwyn talked about Whitney in a bad manner.
Watch what happens next on The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City as the new episode will air on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 8 PM on Bravo. After the television broadcast, fans can stream the show next day on Peacock.