The Summit, CBS's latest competition series, is set in the New Zealand Alps and features 16 contestants. Hosted by Manu Bennett, the series will test the contestants' mountaineering and survival skills, with each participant taking an equal share of a $1 million prize. The prize money will be forfeited if no one reaches the summit in time.
The contestants are accompanied by a figure known as the "Mountain's Keeper," whose role includes introducing unexpected challenges and tough decisions about who to leave behind. The cast features a diverse group of individuals, from a barber to a neuroscientist, each bringing unique skills and experiences to The Summit.
Meet the cast of The Summit
1. Pati Arana
Pati Arana, a 37-year-old barber from Studio City, California, joins the show with no previous climbing or camping experience. Arana's background is in grooming and styling, which involves attention to detail and patience.
2. Dennis Cho
Dennis Cho, aged 29, is a trauma nurse from Indianapolis, Indiana. Cho brings a medical background with strong foundational knowledge of first aid and emergency care to The Summit.
3. Shweta Choudhury
Shweta Choudhury, a 28-year-old corporate strategist from Toronto, Ontario, brings analytical thinking and strategic planning skills to The Summit. Her professional expertise involves devising effective strategies and making data-driven decisions.
4. Robert Culp
Robert Culp, 42, hails from Bolingbrook, Illinois, and is an educator. Culp's background in teaching provides him with a perspective on teamwork and leadership within the group.
5. Dusty Fisher
Dusty Fisher, a 28-year-old real estate agent from Boise, Idaho, is competing in The Summit. Fisher's career involves negotiation and market acumen, requiring excellent communication and problem-solving abilities.
6. Jeannie Geyer
Jeannie Geyer, 56, works at Trader Joe’s in Mahopac, New York. Geyer's career includes customer service and operational support, offering experience in managing day-to-day challenges.
7. Geoff Green
Geoff Green, 28, is a neuroscientist from Sharpsburg, Georgia. Green's scientific background involves problem-solving and critical thinking, essential for navigating The Summit's challenges.
8. Punkin Jackson
Punkin Jackson, 33, serves in the Air Force and lives in Columbus, Mississippi. Jackson’s military background ensures a high level of physical fitness and discipline.
9. Bo Martin
Bo Martin, 52, is a teacher and coach from Gun Barrel City, Texas. Martin's career revolves around mentoring young minds and promoting physical fitness.
10. Rose Mattie
Rose Mattie, 41, is a stay-at-home mom from Chandler, Arizona. Mattie’s daily responsibilities involve multitasking and adaptability.
11. Nick Morgan
Nick Morgan, 28, from Madisonville, Louisiana, is a Vice President of Sales. Morgan's career focuses on marketing, negotiation, and leadership.
12. Theron Pittman
Theron Pittman, 29, is a server from Van Nuys, California. Pittman's role involves working in fast-paced environments and managing multiple tasks.
13. Beckylee Rawls
Beckylee Rawls, 27, is a construction manager from San Diego, California. Rawls’s job involves overseeing construction projects and ensuring safety compliance.
14. Tony Reyes
Tony Reyes, 36, is a media director from Austin, Texas. Reyes’s career involves managing media projects and strategic planning.
15. Amy Stephens
Amy Stephens, 46, is a bank manager from Edisto Island, South Carolina. Stephens’s background involves financial management and team leadership.
16. Jennye Stirlen
Jennye Stirlen, 37, is an MMA referee from Cary, North Carolina. Stirlen's role involves maintaining fairness and safety in competitions.
The Summit promises a thrilling adventure as these 16 contestants, each from diverse backgrounds, embark on an expedition through the New Zealand Alps. As they navigate the physical and mental challenges posed by the Mountain's Keeper, their skills and experiences will be tested.
Who will rise to the occasion and claim their share of the $1 million prize? Tune in to CBS to find out more.