The Summit premiered exclusively on CBS on Sunday, September 29, 2024, from 8:30 to 10 p.m. PT. As per the official CBS website, The Summit is a reality TV competition series in which 16 contestants journey through a 14-day trek. During this journey, each participant's mental and physical abilities, as well as the group team efforts, are tested.
Climbing the mountain in the Southern Alps of New Zealand, all the players have to work together. If they don't reach their destination on the 14th day, they won't receive the final grand prize. The show format states:
"Each holds part of a $1 million prize, but only those who survive the harsh terrain, Antarctic winds, and intense challenges will win. They face eliminations and twists from the "Mountain's Keeper," testing their morale and unity. Their greatest challenge is to stay together and reach the summit on time—failure means losing the entire prize."
Episode 1 introduced viewers to cast members who are determined to win the final grand prize. However, due to one of the contestants— Tony Reyes— fainting, the grand prize was decreased to $937,500 after he was medically evacuated. Later in the episode, when the players reached the camps, Mattie was voted out, who implied it was an unfair decision.
What happened in The Summit season 1 premiere episode?
On The Summit season 1 premiere episode, contestant Beckylee Rawls was put in charge of the first-ever challenge. For this task, all players had to balance themselves and move through the bridge rope. The 29-year-old construction worker from San Diego was paired with Rose Mattie, an army veteran from Arizona.
The Mountain Keeper gave the players two options— to either leave Martin behind and continue their path or help him. As Martin was facing problems with maintaining his speed, the team decided to assist him rather than moving forward and letting him catch up later.
Later on The Summit, Tony Reyes, a 26-year-old Media director fainted, which is why the medical team had to take him with them. Even though Reyes didn't want to give up so soon, the medics took him before his condition worsened. Martin chimed in on what had happened to his fellow team members, stating this could have happened to any of them:
"Tony didn’t quit. His body quit on him. That hit at home 'cause that could be any one of us."
Towards the end of the episode, it was time to vote one of the contestants out. The first person to be voted on The Summit season 1 was Mattie, who was insisting others eliminate MMA referee Jennye Stirlen. Show host Manu Bennett disclosed that after a player gets eliminated, the prize fund is distributed event among the remaining players.
All cast members voted out Mattie except for Amy Stephens. Mattie was upset and angry at this decision as her journey in the competition ended so soon. She said:
"I didn't want their fake hugs. Do you want to get the knife out of my back? The mountain will show people's true colors. Stay true to who you are."
The Summit premiere episode is available to stream on CBS and Paramount Plus. Episode 1 will air once again on Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024, during the 9:30 to 11 pm ET/PT, slot exclusively on CBS.