The third installment of The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On premiered on December 4, 2024, featuring 6 couples at a crossroads in their relationships. The 6 pairs participating in this social experiment include Zaina and J.R., Nick and Sandy, Scotty and Aria, Mariah and Caleb, Chanel and Micah, and Vanessa and Dave from which the latter three exited the show prematurely.
Netflix released the finale and the reunion episode on December 18, 2024, which reunited the cast consisting of couples that started this experiment along with some special guests (Vanessa and Dave) by the end of it. The cast members of The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On get a platform to share their perspectives on the journey.
What happened in The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On season 3 reunion?
Hosts of The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On reunion Nick and Vanessa Lachey welcomed the cast for a sitdown as they recapped the events prior to the reunion. At first, Mariah and Caleb were joined by new singles J.R., Nick, Scotty, Sandy, Zaina, and Aria. Caleb revealed that the couple traveled the country and saw their relatives on their journey.
After the footage of their travels was shown, Caleb revealed that he looked at their relationship from a different perspective. Aria intervened and revealed that Caleb was looking at her social media stories to which Caleb stated that he was looking at other cast member stories as well. Mariah stated that she was not aware of the social media situation, but was willing to work things out.
"You are out her lurking on my page, liking my stuff. And then you blocked me," revealed Aria.
Aria was next to talk about her partner on The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On reunion. She shed some tears as she revealed that they were not engaged anymore after losing her grandma and suffering a miscarriage. Scotty also got emotional and expressed that he suffered a "real heartbreak" after their separation.
Zaina and J.R. also revealed what they were up to after the finale. J.R. talked about the holidays they spent together but still couldn't work things out due to differences in opinion. Zaina revealed that her perspective was slightly different as she revealed that they were in contact the whole time. J.R. went ahead and stated that Zaina asked her to not see other people which he found "manipulative".
Zaina then addressed Sandy's involvement as she was in the trial marriage with J.R. in this experiment. Zaina mentioned that J.R. downplayed the intimate moments between him and Sandy as it was before the episodes were released. J.R. and Sandy both tried to defend themselves and claimed they were talking about their partners but Nick and Zaina refused to believe them.
Host Nick and Vanessa Lachey revealed that one of the couples who left early to be together was gonna join the rest of the cast as special guests. Vanessa and Dave soon joined them at the The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On reunion. Vanessa was asked as to why she left without notifying Nick at the time of their trial marriage, to which she replied that being with Nick was too much for her.
"He also knew that that day that we fought, the entire day, that I was extremely perturbed about him, like turning it back around me whenever the cameras were rolling," stated Vanessa.
As Vanessa and Dave left, Nick revealed that he turned to alcohol after Sandy left him and went through recovery which Sandy helped with. He also revealed that a week later, she decided to travel without him and they ultimately broke apart for good. The reunion concluded as Nick revealed that he was seeing someone outside the show.
Catch up with all the episodes of The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On, including the reunion on Netflix.