The Ultimatum: South Africa is a captivating reality show that brings six couples to the forefront as they make crucial decisions about their relationships. At the end of the show, they must decide if they wish to marry their partners or move on. The official summary of the show reads:
"A six-way partner swap sparks wild attractions and tearful betrayals. Participants choose whom to love and leave in this heart-pounding experiment."
The recently released reality show featured couples who had been together for various periods of time. While some had been in a relationship for six months, others had been committed to each other for seven years. However, they all had one thing in common - one partner who had doubts about marriage.
The Ultimatum: South Africa - For how long were the couples together before the show?
The Ultimatum: South Africa featured Thabi and Genesis, Khanya and Nkateko, Ruth and Isaac, Lebo and Nolla, Courtney and Aiden, and Sizakele and Lindile.
1) Sizakele and Lindile
Out of all these couples, Sizakele and Lindile shocked fans as they had been together only for six months before the show. Lindile issued the ultimatum to his partner as he was sure she was the one for him. The couple then decided to leave the show together engaged as Lindile said in the finale:
"The reason why I choose you is because I can grow with you. The reason why I choose you is you're my best friend. I can be myself, I can laugh and do all the weird stuff around you. And lastly the reason why I choose you is because I love you."
2) Khanya and Nkateko
Khanya and Nkateko came to the show after one year of dating.
The former mentioned in the trailer of The Ultimatum: South Africa that she wanted "loyalty, honesty, and consistency" and was hopeful about taking her relationship to the next level. However, Nkateko expressed several concerns about the same and gave her a promise ring in the finale instead of an engagement ring and she rejected it.
3) Lebo and Nolla
Lebo and Nolla came to the show after being with each other for one year and five months.
While they came in strong, things took a turn when they entered their respective trial marriages. Nolla got intimate with Ruth, his trial marriage partner, during the show, leading to him and Lebo leaving mid-way.
4) Ruth and Isaac
Ruth and Isaac were together for two years before their time on the show. Ruth issued the ultimatum to her partner as he had not introduced her to his family yet and this made her doubt their future together. Isaac expressed how he felt about the experiment in the trailer of the title and said that he was "feeling all type of emotions" and didn't know what to expect.
During The Ultimatum: South Africa, Isaac chose Khanya as his trial marriage partner, while Ruth was paired with Nolla. Things got intense when Isaac learned about Ruth and Nolla's intimacy and the duo eventually ended their relationship on the show.
5) Thabi and Genesis
Thabi and Genesis had been in a relationship for the past seven years. The former issued the ultimatum because Genesis was not ready to take their relationship ahead.
Thabi was paired with Lindile for the trial marriage, while Genesis was paired with Courtney. Seeing Thabi and her partner happy together made Genesis jealous. However, he realized he wanted a future with her and ultimately proposed.
6) Courtney and Aiden
Courtney and Aiden had also been dating for seven years before they appeared on the show. On The Ultimatum: South Africa, Courtney was partnered with Genesis while Aiden’s partner was Lebo.
Ultimately, Courtney realized how much she loved Aiden, and the show ended with the duo being engaged.
The Ultimatum: South Africa focused on six couples and tested the strength and future of their relationships. While some relationships thrived, leading to engagements, others ended in heartbreak.
Fans can stream all the episodes of this gripping series on Netflix.