Netflix's popular survivalist reality series, Outlast, aired its season finale this week on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. The new batch of episodes featured episodes 7 and 8. The remaining teams, Bravo and Delta, spent the last few days of the competition in the Alaskan wilderness before they competed in the final challenge.
In episode 7, the two camps came face to face for the first time since the show started. After the conversation, Joey felt that Drew and Drake could be a "threat" to Delta. The cast member who joined Delta after Charlie disbanded in episode 4 made his way to Bravo without informing his teammates and attempted to join Drake and Drew.
Camp Bravo didn't want an additional player, so Joey returned to Delta. The other cast members noticed his absence and were upset with Joey. Eric spoke to him at the shoreline and asked about where he was.
"We don't wanna know. We don't care. Every single one of us is a teammate. We tell everybody where we're gonna go, and you didn't. And there's the deflection. You made that decision," Eric said.
Joey said he wanted to see Bravo's camp despite his team's hesitation.
Did Camp Delta take Joey back in Outlast season 2, episode 8?
In Outlast season 2, episode 8, Joey returned to Camp Delta after he failed to convince Drake and Drew to let him be a part of Bravo. Eric met him at the shoreline, criticized him, and told him that the rest of the team had to discuss his future with them.
He added that he was "half tempted" to go to Bravo himself to ask them what Joey said to them. Eric wanted a "straight answer," and Joey understood why he was upset. In a confessional, the Outlast season 2 cast member said he was "really in the hot seat."
Brendon asked what Joey had said about taking their boat to Bravo, and Eric replied that Joey had stated his "feet" had been "itching" to do what he had done. Brendon pointed out that Joey had taken the boat without letting them know, and Eric agreed that it was "stressful."
He added that they were a "team," and any other Delta members would have told each other where they were going and what they were doing.
Brendon elaborated on the situation in a confessional and wondered why Joey would take the boat without letting anyone know. He also wondered why he went to Bravo. Joey's actions made the team speechless, and they reflected on keeping him on the team.
"That was weird, taking it without anybody knowing," Brendon said.
Brendon asked Eric if he wanted Joey "axed," and the latter said yes. Joseph later approached Joey to talk to him and let him know what the group decided. Joseph told Joey he just "messed" him up by leaving unexpectedly.
Joseph said he had seen people do "some weird stuff" for money, and Joey confided in him. He told Joseph he was nearing his "breaking point" but couldn't explain what he meant.
In a confessional, Joey said he wanted to tell Joseph about his pitch to Bravo and didn't think he betrayed Delta. Instead, he told the Outlast season 2 star he went on a recon mission. Joseph asked Joey what Bravo's camp was like.
"They were just walking around the rocks, just collecting crabs. They looked like walking zombies. They were super tired," he said.
Joseph knew he was lying and asked God to give him a "sign." He added that while he was disappointed and sad, he tried not to judge Joey. He said he gave him the benefit of the doubt because he believed in forgiveness.
He informed the Outlast season 2 star that the team had decided to let him stay. Joey was surprised by the decision and told the cameras he expected a different outcome.
All episodes of Outlast season 2 are available to stream on Netflix.