Bravo’s Sold on SLC premiered on December 4, 2024, showcasing the high-end real estate scene in Salt Lake City. The show follows Jennifer Yeo, CEO of Presidio Real Estate, and her team as they navigate the competitive market while dealing with personal dynamics.
During a discussion with Sarah and her husband, Chris, Jennifer raised concerns about several of her agents leaving for his brokerage.
"This feels like poaching," she remarked. Chris responded, "Agents come and go and it’s never fun." Jennifer further alleged, "It feels like some shady business going on."
Lisa Barlow, a fan-favorite from The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, made a cameo in the premiere, expressing her excitement about the new show.
The premiere featured Lisa searching for her dream home with her friend and realtor, Sarah Martindale. The mix of personal rivalries and professional challenges in Sold on SLC has already captured attention, promising an engaging season filled with high-stakes deals and intense drama.
Lisa Barlow’s cameo in the premiere of Sold on SLC
The first episode of Sold on SLC included a brief appearance by Lisa Barlow, connecting her role from The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City to Bravo’s new real estate series. Lisa visited her friend and realtor, Sarah Martindale, to explore options for a new home.
Sarah showed her a $3.6 million property, but after a detailed tour, they agreed it didn’t meet Lisa’s needs. Lisa listed key features she wanted in her next home, including a pool, salon, and spray tan station. Sarah suggested the idea of building a custom home instead.
After listening to Lisa’s list of requirements, Sarah suggested, "Build." Lisa considered the idea and responded, "I just think we want more."
During the home tour, Lisa interacted with Sarah, trying out a hammock-style swing in the gym and making playful remarks. Her cameo introduced a familiar face to Sold on SLC, offering fans a sense of connection between the two shows.
Lisa’s involvement in the series isn’t limited to the first episode. The season trailer hints at more appearances, where she will likely engage with the cast and have more screen time as the new episodes air in the future.
Rivalries and allegations in Presidio real estate in the premiere of Sold on SLC
The premiere went beyond showcasing real estate, revealing underlying tensions within the Presidio team. Jennifer Yeo, the CEO, confronted Chris Martindale, Sarah’s husband and owner of a competing brokerage, over several agents leaving Presidio for his firm.
Jennifer accused Chris of "poaching" her employees, but Chris dismissed the claims, attributing the shifts to industry norms and natural turnover. Sarah faced challenges balancing her roles as both Jennifer’s employee and Chris’s spouse. Jennifer questioned her loyalty, suggesting that Sarah’s relationship with Chris might affect her professional commitments.
Sarah's balancing of her personal and professional relationships added tension to the workplace, setting the stage for further conflict in upcoming episodes. The episode also highlighted another disagreement, this time between agents Matt Jones and Tyna Edwards. Matt’s assertion that Tyna doesn’t believe in God caused friction, further straining relationships within the team.
Fans can watch the new episodes of Sold on SLC, airing every Wednesday at 9 pm ET on Bravo.