Love is Blind UK aired its season finale on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, and saw the remaining couples decide how to pursue their relationships further. While some couples said "Yes" at the altar, there were others who said "No."
While three couples, Sabrina and Steven, Jasmine and Bobby, and Nicole and Benaiah, decided to get married, Demi and Ollie, Tom and Maria, and Freddie and Catherine, walked away unmarried.
Ahead of his wedding to Catherine, Freddie's sister asked him to stay "true" to himself while making his decision. The cast member explained how much his sister's opinion mattered to him and when the time came, he said that although he loved Catherine, he didn't think the "timing" was right.
"This isn't a goodbye. It's not a rejection of the love we share. Part of me wanted to say yes and embark on this journey with you," Freddie said.
He added that there were "still mountains to climb" and "lessons" that the couple had to learn before they could make a "lifelong commitment."
Love is Blind UK finale: Catherine and Freddie's wedding vows explored
In Love is Blind UK season finale, Episode 11, Catherine and Freddie's families and friends gathered as they waited to see whether the couple would walk away in matrimony. As the two met at the altar, Catherine told Freddie that her heart was beating out of her "chest."
The minister asked the Love is Blind UK couple to share their thoughts. Catherine went first and said that she knew their relationship was going to be special from the moment she heard his voice in the pods. She added that words could not describe how "lucky" she was.
"I'm never letting go, and I cannot wait to start my life with you and hold your hand every step of the way," Catherine said.
She told the Love is Blind UK star she loved him and thanked him for being himself. Freddie recalled their journey on the Netflix show and said he started to love her "without seeing" her. He added that the couple connected because of their personalities and how they made each other feel.
Praising her, he said their relationship was a "testament" to her and the "intellectual connection" they shared. He added that falling in love the way they did, allowed him to "truly appreciate" her essence.
"It allowed me to focus on your words, thoughts, actions, and it allowed us to create a deep bond that goes beyond superficialities," Freddie said.
The Love is Blind UK cast member added that the couple shared their thoughts, feelings, and dreams. He said he had conversations about things he never shared with another person.
"I believe in fate and I believe that we were destined to be stood here in this moment," he added.
Although Catherine said yes, Freddie noted that he didn't think it was the right time for them to be married. As the cast member hugged her goodbye, she asked him not to hug her. Later in the episode, Freddie stated it was a difficult decision because he didn't want to hurt anybody.
He explained that despite Catherine saying she didn't like his "materialistic" lifestyle, he thought there was "an aspect of that" about her. Freddie said he could only be certain about the same with time.
Later in the episode, Freddie spoke to Catherine's parents and explained to them that he didn't decide against marrying her because he didn't love her. When the cast member's father asked what Freddie thought his future with Catherine was, he said he hoped they could still "pursue a life together."
Fans can watch Freddie and Catherine's journey unfold on Love is Blind UK, episodes of which are available on Netflix.