Too Hot to Handle season 6 premiered with its first four episodes on Friday, July 19. Unlike the previous seasons, where contestants were unaware of the rules or the purpose of the show, season 6 arranged a casting call to hand-pick its contestants. As a result, the cast members were aware of the temptations they might get tested with.
In episode 1 of Too Hot to Handle, host Lana's counterpart, Bad Lana, introduced herself to the cast members, permitting them to act however they wanted. She lifted the rules that barred contestants from getting intimate. Taking advantage of the opportunity, contestants Bri and Chris shared the very first kiss of the series.
The official synopsis of episode 1, titled Bad to the Cone, read:
"As the new players arrive at the villa, they can barely keep their hands off each other — and a surprise new twist means that they don't have to."
Too Hot to Handle participants Bri and Chris were infatuated with each other in episode 1 of season 6
Bad Lana encouraged the Too Hot to Handle season 6 cast to indulge in their impulses without worrying about the restrictions. To make things easier for them, she declared that as long as she was in charge, no fines would be incurred if they got intimate.
The cast members applauded the twist, appeased that the $250,000 prize fund would be untouched irrespective of how many rules they broke.
"No rules? Too Hot just got way hotter. I'm about to turn in all the way up," said Bri.
As the contestants mingled, 21-year-old model Bri revealed she felt attracted to Demari and Chris. While Demari's physical appearance made him stand out to her, Chris' "flirty" eyes captivated her. Demari and Chris also told the male cast members that they developed a bias for Bri.
"She's got something about her. I don't know what," said Chris.
Although the two shared the "same taste in women," Demari knew he could shift Bri's attention to himself.
"Me and Chris, we have the same taste in women. It's just friendly competition, but I also love playing the long game. I kind of play it a little cooler and just wait on Bri," said Demari.
Too Hot to Handle season 6 star Bri struggled to choose the person she wanted to pursue. However, she knew she had to decide before Bad Lana's reign ended because once Lana returned, she would demand a fine for each rule the cast broke.
Although Bri was physically attracted to Demari, she wanted to explore her connection with Chris. She left the women's sleeping area and began searching for Chris. She started flirting with him upon finding him alone. Chris went with the flow and reciprocated her advances.
"Me and Demari are both into the same girl. But Bri is with me right now, you know. So time to strike," said Chris.
As they grew closer, Chris complimented Bri's eyes and dress. She was pleasantly surprised by the way he flirted with her.
"Chris was not my number one. But the accent and those eyes and that body, he's kind of winning me over," said Bri.
The Too Hot to Handle duo then shared a kiss and Chris claimed he felt an "energy" from Bri that attracted him to her. While speaking to the cameras, Bri confessed she enjoyed their connection a "little too much."
"I was hoping that I wasn't going to like it as much as I did, but I liked it a little too much. Demari does have a little bit of competition," said Bri.
Too Hot to Handle season 6 will return with episodes 5-7 on July 26 on Netflix.