Netflix’s popular dating show, Too Hot to Handle, wrapped up its sixth season with the highly anticipated finale that aired on August 2, 2024. This season followed the same format as all the previous seasons, where the contestants were brought together to live in a villa and were restricted to having any kind of physical intimacy, ultimately winning a $100,000 cash prize.
This time, the addition of 'Bad Lana,' a darker version of the all-knowing virtual assistant Lana, gave viewers a new twist. In spite of all the temptations, Gianna won the special recognition prize from Lana for not breaking a single rule during her time on the retreat.
The season finale brought an end to the journeys of Bri, DeMari, Chris, Charlie, Cristian, Davis, Flavia Gianna, Lucy, Sabrina, Valentina, Kylisha, Jalen, Joao, Katherine, Louis, and Jordan.
Gianna wins a special recognition prize of $25,000 in Too Hot to Handle season 6
In the Too Hot to Handle season 6 finale, Gianna Pettus emerged as the standout contestant, earning Lana’s special recognition prize of $25,000. Despite an unsuccessful start and struggles to connect with any of the guys in the villa, Gianna’s journey was one of personal growth, according to Lana.
Early in the season, Gianna found herself attracted to Louis Russell, who had ended things with Katherine LaPrell. She even expressed having a dream about Louis. Even though their connection had potential, it was short-lived because Louis was sent home for following his same old habits and breaking too many rules in the show.
Gianna's commitment to the show's guidelines not only kept her in the running but also earned her the 'Most Transformative Journey' title among the contestants. While other participants struggled with temptation, she showed remarkable self-discipline and responsibility - qualities that resonated with viewers and the show’s host.
Following the announcement of the special recognition prize, Gianna shared her thoughts in the confessional:
"In the past, I was so scared to be alone. I would look for quick forms of gratification and it felt lonely."
Lana appreciated her and told her who would she call if she wanted to set a positive example in the show. Gianna mentioned how being in Too Hot to Handle taught her about the value of self-love and acceptance. With a huge smile on her face, she added:
"$25,000 makes a kiss-free retreat so much more worth it! Not only did I just get $25,000 but I got specially recognised by Lana. I'm putting that on my resume when I get home!"
Too Hot to Handle season 6 finale highlights
As the show reached its end, several contestants stood out for breaking no rules and their personal growth. Alongside Gianna, Chris Aalli and Lucy Syed made it to the final round. Lucy kissed Charlie in the initial episode, and Chris kissed Sabrina near the finale - these were the only rules broken by both of them. This made Lana choose them for special recognition.
Meanwhile, the $100,000 cash prize was awarded to the show's winning couple, Brianna and Demari.
The final episodes of Too Hot to Handle are now streaming on Netflix.