W.A.G.s to Riches premiered on Netflix on January 22, introducing a group of affluent women and their "glamorous, drama-filled lives." The show delves into their journeys as they balance the challenges of fame, high-profile relationships, and their own thriving careers.
Episode 1 kicked off with some of the cast members enjoying an exclusive private golf event. Meanwhile, Maranda Johnson aka Mjaé talked about being in a relationship with rapper Kodak Black and expressed her frustration about his alleged infidelity.
Elsewhere in the episode, Lastonia Leviston aka Stoni opened up about her leaked se* tape and the hardship it brought to her life. Titled Wives. And. Girlfriends, the synopsis for the episode reads:
"Porsha hosts a cocktail party that sours when Sharelle brings up Stoni's past. Mjaé reveals the frustrations of dating a rap star."
What happened on W.A.G.s to Riches episode 1?
Episode 1 of W.A.G.s to Riches kicked off with an exclusive private golf event. Sharelle Rosado and her partner, Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson, joined by Porsha Berto and her husband, Andre Berto. Meanwhile, Alexis Welch Stoudemire and Ashley Wheeler opted to focus on their own game, playing on a different course.
In her confessional, Sharelle revealed that Porsha had expressed interest in entering the real estate industry and sought her guidance to get started. Meanwhile, Porsha shared in her own confessional that she saw Sharelle as the "popular girl" and wanted to align with her to gain more visibility.
Mjaé reveals the frustrations of dating a rap star
Elsewhere in the episode, real estate agent/rapper Maranda Johnson aka Mjaé then went to a jewelry store to get a chain for her son. There she shared that she was currently in a relationship with rapper Kodak Black.
"We met at one of his concerts. He was performing at Dillard High School before he became a big artist. I was just always his biggest fan. I always listened to his music in middle school, high school. He was my celebrity crush, I would say, and we followed each other on Instagram. And when I got of age, that's when he DMed me," she shared.
Later, Mjaé met with Sharelle at the park and opened up about the challenges of dating a rapper. She confided that her biggest issue with Kodak was his constant presence around other women and his alleged infidelity.
Mjaé recalled one incident where she caught her partner red-handed and smashed his car windows out of frustration. The W.A.G.s to Riches star hoped that Kodak had more control over himself otherwise they would need to break and then focus on co-parenting their kids.
Stoni opens up about her past
During her lunch meet-up with Stoni, Alexis asked her why she wasn't at the golf event. Stoni responded that she wasn't invited. She further shared that she felt that her fellow cast mates were being a "little difficult" with her and were "boxing" her out.
Stoni felt that it might be because of her leaked se* tape. She shared that after breaking up with Rick Ross she dated a man who was into videography and recorded their intimate moments on camera. However, when he cheated on her and they broke up he sold the tapes to 50 Cent who was then in a feud with Rick Ross.
50 Cents eventually ended up releasing the tape and the W.A.G.s to Riches star expressed that it brought a lot of suffering to her life.
At the end of episode 1, Porsha hosted an elegant evening cocktail party, inviting all her fellow W.A.G.s to Riches castmates. As the group gathered and conversations flowed, tensions rose when Sharelle directly confronted Stoni, candidly admitting that she didn’t like her due to her reputation stemming from her leaked se* tape.
Stoni, visibly upset, responded by telling Sharelle that the conversation should have been held in private, as a more respectful approach. She added that Sharelle shouldn’t judge her based on her past and should take the time to get to know her before making assumptions.
W.A.G.s to Riches season 1 episodes 1-8 are available on Netflix.